Agricultural Fertilizer 3Hour Certification Training – 3/15

Monday, March 15,2021
8:30 A.M. -11:30 A.M. • OSU Extension Greene County

This meeting will fulfill the three-hour requirement for private and commercial applicators who need the agricultural fertilizer applicator certification.

Who should attend the training? Fertilizer certification is required if you apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. If you hire a co-op or other custom applicator to make your fertilizer applications, you do not need the certification. This training is for private and commercial applicators.

What will be covered? Best management practices will be the basis of the agricultural fertilizer certification training with a focus on fertilizer applications that have the appropriate rate, timing, placement and source.

This is an in-person meeting located at:
OSU Extension Greene County, 100 Fairground Road, Xenia, Ohio 45385

Cost: $30 payable to OSU Extension

Registration is required and limited. Please register at

Private Pesticide & Fertilizer Applicator Recertification in Greene County – 3/15/2021

2021 Pesticide Applicator Recertification: Due to COVID-19, the deadline for pesticide applicator recertification has been extended for 2021. Private applicators whose certification was set to expire on 3/31/21 now have until 7/1/21 to recertify. We have a few options for applicators who want to certify this winter:

1. In-person traditional recertification: This in person recertification is $35 for pesticide recertification and $10 for fertilizer recertification. Pre-Registration is required. In the event that this program cannot be held in person, it will be transitioned into a virtual format, so it is important that we have current contact information to keep you up-to-date. Register at:

  • March 15: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
    • 12:30pm-1:30pm, Fertilizer Recertification (Category 15)
    • 1:30 pm-4:30pm, Pesticide Recertification (Core, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

2. One-on-One recertification: Anyone who would like to recertify in person can schedule an appointment to recertify with me on a one-on-one basis. Please call or email my office to schedule an appointment if this is your preference (see contact information above).

3. A self-paced online session will also be available. Cost to attend the self-paced class is $35 for pesticide recertification and $10 for fertilizer recertification. Registration information for the self-paced class will be available beginning January 11, 2021. Check for up to date information on this.

If you have questions, contact Trevor at or 937-372-9971.

Agricultural Fertilizer 3 Hour Certification Training – 3/6/2020

9:00 A.M. -12:00 P.M. • OSU Extension Fayette County

This meeting will fulfill the three-hour requirement for private and commercial applicators who need the agricultural fertilizer applicator certification.
Who should attend the training? Fertilizer certification is required if you apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. If you hire a co-op or other custom applicator to make your fertilizer applications, you do not need the certification. This training is for private and commercial applicators.

What will be covered? Best management practices will be the basis of the agricultural fertilizer certification training with a focus on fertilizer applications that have the appropriate rate, timing, placement and source.

Location: OSU Extension FayetteCounty, 1415 US. Hwy. 22 SW, Washington C.H., OH 43160
Contact: Ken Ford, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator,,740-335-1150
Cost: $30 payable to OSU Extension with below registration to
1415 US. Hwy. 22 SW, Washington C.H., OH 43160

Fertilizer 3Hour 3.6.20 Fayette

Agricultural Fertilizer 3 Hour Certification Training – 3/15

This meeting will fulfill the three-hour requirement for applicators who need the agricultural fertilizer applicator certification. View the Flyer to register.

Who should attend the training? Fertilizer certification is required if you apply fertilizer (other than manure) to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. If you hire a co-op or other custom applicator to make your fertilizer applications, you do not need the certification. This training is for private and commercial applicators.

What will be covered? Best management practices will be the basis of the agricultural fertilizer certification training with a focus on fertilizer applications that have the appropriate rate, timing, placement and source.

Location: OSU Extension Greene County, 100 Fairground Road, Xenia, Ohio 45385

Contact: Trevor Corboy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator,, 937-372-9971 ext. 114.

Cost: $30 payable to OSU Extension with below registration to 100 Fairground Rd, Xenia, OH 45385.


March 11, 2019

Please register online at

Private pesticide credits available for Core, 1, 2, 3 & 6. Video recertification available for categories 4 & 5. One hour of fertilizer credit available.

12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Fertilizer Training

1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pesticide Training

Commercial pesticide applicators cannot receive pesticide recertification credit for this meeting. Fertilizer recertification credit is available to both commercial and private applicators.

Your registration fee for this meeting is different than renewing your pesticide and fertilizer license with the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture, if you have questions about your renewal/recertification status.

For more information contact: Trevor Corboy – OSU Extension, Greene County

Phone Number: (937)372-9971 Email: