4-H Enrollment: Due March 1

4-H enrollment for 2019 is due March 1.  Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of a great organization.  We want you to join!

Not sure how?  Contact the office at 937-372-9971 or visit greene.osu.edu for more information.

Are you ready to complete the enrollment?  Visit oh.4honline.com.

Enrollment closes March 1.  Now it the time!

Greene County 4-H Enrollment Deadline

Don’t miss the deadline for signing up for 4-H for 2019.

The deadline is quickly approaching.  Enrollment is due March 1.

Please visit oh.4honline.com

Please note you must click click submit.  Once you are approved at the office you will get another email.  Before clicking submit, make sure your club is listed correctly along with your projects.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Join 4-H

Greene County 4-H enrollment is due March 1.  Don’t delay!

Please share with anyone you know who is interested in joining 4-H.  We can help them get in touch with a club.

Now is the time to join America’s largest youth development organization empowering nearly six million young people.

Greene County has 44 clubs to choose from across the county.  There are over 200 different projects to choose from.  Youth learn life skills such as public speaking, leadership and citizenship.

To review the Ohio 4-H Family Guide, please click here.

To take a peak inside some projects along with reading reviews, please visit Project Central by clicking here.

Let us know how we can help or if you have any questions.  Visit our website at greene.osu.edu or call the office at 937-372-9971.


Stay Warm and Complete 4-H Enrollment for Youth and Online Training for Volunteers!

No need to go outside today.  Stay inside and complete your 2019 4-H enrollment.

For youth:

A few reminders when completing enrollment:

  1.  All projects listed when you click submit are what you would be enrolled in for 2019.  If you are not taking a project that you took last year, that project needs deleted.
  2. If you are changing clubs, please delete that club prior to submitting.
  3. If you need to order books, you must contact our office.  We place orders every Friday.

Visit the website for some tips on completing enrollment.  You will receive an email confirmation when you are confirmed.

We are getting close to our 200th confirmed enrollment!  The winner will receive a 4-H goodie bag.

For volunteers:

As a reminder, all volunteers must attend a training each year or complete online training.

Stay inside and do the online training today.  Here are all of the directions. Visit this website for the directions.  

Please be mindful that you will receive an email confirmation when you are confirmed for this year.

We are getting very close to our 100th confirmed enrollment for volunteers.  The winner will receive a 4-H goodie bag!

4-H Member Enrollment

Online enrollment is open for Greene County 4-H members.  After talking with a club leader to ensure meeting club requirements, members are open to enroll for 2019.

We are currently at 83 enrolled members for 2019.  Deadline is March 1.

The 200th approved member will win a 4-H goodie bag and a Subway gift card.

A few reminders when completing enrollment:

  1.  All projects listed when you click submit are what you would be enrolled in for 2019.  If you are not taking a project that you took last year, that project needs deleted.
  2. If you are changing clubs, please delete that club prior to submitting.
  3. If you need to order books, you must contact our office.  We place orders every Friday.

Visit the website for some tips on completing enrollment.

We are looking forward to a great 4-H year!

Maybe you will be the 200th approved member!

4-H Online: Youth and Volunteer Enrollment

The Greene County Extension Office is excited to announce that we are accepting 4-H enrollments to the 4-H Online enrollment system. Please log on to oh.4honline.com to enroll in 4-H. All families will need to review their members’ information and re-enroll for 2019 via 4-HOnline.  Please make sure you delete any projects that you from last year that you are not taking this year.

For steps to re-enroll, please click here or visit here for helpful videos.

If your family is looking to enroll in 4-H for the very first time, please read below:

New Members/Families:

  1. Choose a club which meets in your area, a club your child’s friends are in, or contact the Extension Office for more information.  Contact the club advisor. Youth may join 4-H at any time; however, to participate in the Greene County Fair, they must be enrolled by March 1.
  2. Complete an online enrollment form at oh.4honline.com and select “I need to setup a profile.” OR contact the Extension Office for additional enrollment information.


  1.  Please complete your enrollment and update any information as needed.
  2. Complete the online training or attend an in-person training.  When training is completed, we will approve you.  Trainings must be completed by February 28 for the 2019 4-H year.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Feel free to stop by during business hours to complete this if that is easier for you.


Join Greene County 4-H

Greene County 4-H inspires kids to do in the local community! Enrollment is now open to join in on the action taking, skills making, friendship making fun.

The updated 2019 Family Guide is available at ohio4h.org or stop by the office and pick it up!  Please let us know if you have any questions.  Enrollment deadline for 2019 is March 1 by going to oh.4honline.com

Have an interest in joining, but don’t know where to start? Visit http://go.osu.edu/greeneco4Hinterest or just send us a private message.  We would love to help you find a good club for you and your family.