If you are interested in being considered as a host farm site, please complete the form available at greene.osu.edu by March 1, 2020. The host farm will need to have a farm representative involved in the monthly planning process and be willing to serve as a spokesperson for the event. The leadership for the planning committee will be provided by OSU Extension Greene County and Greene County Farm Bureau. These agencies will coordinate donations and sponsorships, pay bills and lead the planning process. They will also assemble the committee to select the host site farm and preferred date of the event.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Trevor Corboy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, OSU Extension Greene County to discuss this in more detail at corboy.3@osu.edu or 937-372-9971 ext.114. Again, the Greene County BOTF event will be approximately in September 2020 and the host farm will help determine the preferred date. Your consideration of hosting this event is greatly appreciated. Go to greene.osu.edu to learn more.