CORN Newsletter


September 6 – September 12, 2022


Editor: Ken Ford


Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) Or Brown Stem Rot (BSR)? That is the question!

Author: Horacio Lopez-Nicora

In August we started finding soybean diseases in Ohio.

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Late-season waterhemp and Palmer amaranth scouting resources

Author: Alyssa Essman

Waterhemp and Palmer amaranth plants that have escaped POST applications or emerged after are now starting to develop mature seed. These plants can produce upwards of one million seeds per plant in certain situations.

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Farm Science Review Agronomy College Sept 13

Authors: Amanda Douridas, Jason Hartschuh, CCA

Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio AgriBusiness Association will again partner to hold the Farm Science Review Agronomy College on Sept. 13.

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Weather Update: Average Start to Fall

Author: Aaron Wilson


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Do I Really Need to Wait for the Fly-Free Date? Wheat Planting Date and Other Management Considerations for Fall 2022

Authors: Laura Lindsey, Kelley Tilmon, Pierce Paul, Ed Lentz, CCA, Eric Richer, CCA

Now that we’ve entered September, wheat planting is just around the corner. It can be tempting to plant wheat before your county’s Hessian fly-safe date (Figure 1); however, the best time to plant wheat is the 10-day period starting the day after the fly-safe date.

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Lep Monitoring Update: FAW Trapping Continues

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

Fall Armyworm

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Seed testing for cover crops to meet germination and purity requirements

Authors: Alexander Lindsey, Laura Lindsey

Seed quality is key to establishing a good crop (or cover crop). Earlier this year, the Ohio Seed Improvement Association seed test laboratory closed.

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Upcoming Events


September 13


FSR Agronomy College


September 19


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 20


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 20


60th Annual Farm Science Review


September 21


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 22


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 23


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 24


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 25


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 26


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 27


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 28


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour


September 29


NW Ohio, NE Indiana, SE Michigan Soil Health Tour Wrap Up Event


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Bennett
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dirk Dempsey
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Alyssa Essman
Visiting Assistant Professor


Mike Estadt
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Gastier, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Don Hammersmith
Program Assistant, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jamie Hampton
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Elizabeth Hawkins
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Amber Herman
Water Quality Extension Associate


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Stephanie Karhoff, CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Rob Leeds
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
State Specialist, Soybean Pathology


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Jordan Penrose
OSU Extension Educator


Eric Richer, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Chris Zoller
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit


REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio (July 1, 2022) – The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be sponsoring three collection events for farmers wishing to dispose of unwanted pesticides. This year, the collections are happening in VanWert, Erie and Greene counties on the following days and locations:


  • August 17, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.:           Van Wert County, VanWert County Fairgrounds, Gate 3

1055 South Washington Street, VanWert, Ohio 45891


  • August 24, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.:           Erie County, Across from Ehove Career Center

11001 US RT 250, Milan, Ohio 44846


  • August 30, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.:           Greene County, Greene County Fairgrounds

120 Fairground Road, Xenia, Ohio 45385


The pesticide collection and disposal services are free of charge, but only farm chemicals will be accepted. Paint, antifreeze, solvents, and household or non-farm pesticides will not be accepted.


The pesticide collections are sponsored by ODA in conjunction with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. To pre-register, or for more information, contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture at 614-728-6987.


CORN Newsletter


July 26-August 1


Editor: Stephanie Karhoff


Weather Update: Ample July Precipitation for Most

Author: Aaron Wilson


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Defoliation in Soybean and Corn

Authors: Kelley Tilmon, Andy Michel

Starting in July and through August, a number of different insect species (such as beetles and various caterpillars) can feed on corn and soybean leaves.  Foliage feeding in corn is almost never economic, though economic damage from silk clipping by beetles is possib

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2022 Ohio Wheat Performance Test- Results Available Online

Authors: Laura Lindsey, Matthew Hankinson

Results from the 2022 Ohio Wheat Performance Test are now online by clicking HERE.

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Seeding Perennial Forages in Late Summer

Author: Mark Sulc

August is the second good window of opportunity of the year for establishing perennial forage stands (spring being the first good planting time). August is also the ideal time for filling in gaps in seedings made this spring.

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Other Corn Ear Abnormalities – when and why do they develop?

Author: Osler Ortez

Despite many corn acres having reached tasseling, other corn acres are still in rapidly growing stages, mid to late vegetative. Any adverse conditions can still affect the crop through or prior to harvest.

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Lep Monitoring Update WBC Numbers Increase, Scouting Expands

Authors: Jessi Raubenolt, Bridger Cline, Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Angela Arnold, Frank Becker, Lee Beers, CCA, Bruce Clevenger, CCA, Thomas deHaas, Taylor Dill, Allen Gahler, Kasey Goodchild, Don Hammersmith, Jamie Hampton, Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Andrew Holden, Stephanie Karhoff, Ed Lentz, CCA, David Marrison, Clifton Martin, CCA, Jess McWatters, James Morris, Sarah Noggle, Les Ober, CCA, Richard Purdin, Eric Richer, CCA, Clint Schroeder, Mike Sunderman, Frank Thayer, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Western Bean Cutworm

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Upcoming Events


July 26


Manure Science Review (Ohio)


July 27


Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference


July 27


Agronomy 101 Field Day


August 4


Agriculture and Water Quality: How do TMDLs and Edge-of-Field Monitoring fit in?


August 9


Drainage Installation Field Day


August 16


SW Ohio Corn Growers – Agronomy Field Day


August 16


Scioto Watershed Whole Farm Conservation Event


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Grant Davis, CCA
Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Gastier, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jason Hartschuh, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amber Herman
Water Quality Extension Associate


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Courtney Krieger
Water Quality Extension Associate


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
State Specialist


Clifton Martin, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ryan McMichael
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jess McWatters


James Morris
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Celeste Nye


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
State Specialist, Corn & Emerging Crops


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Kelley Tilmon
State Specialist, Field Crop Entomology


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Aaron Wilson
Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center


Ted Wiseman
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

Ohio Farmland Leasing Update Webinar – 8/11

The Farm Office team is offering a free The Farm Office team is offering a free Ohio Farmland Leasing Update webinar on August 11, 2022_August_Farm_Lease_Update Flyer

New lease termination law applies to farm lease landlords

By:Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law Tuesday, July 19th, 2022
Person signing a contract

Lawsuits over late terminations of farm crop leases might reduce after a new law in Ohio takes effect on July 21, 2022.  The law will affect situations where the parties in a farm crop leasing arrangement have not addressed a date or method for terminating the lease–typically verbal leases, although a written lease might also fail to address termination.  A landlord in those situations who wants to end the crop lease will have to do so by delivering a written notice of termination to the tenant operator by September 1.  A late attempt by the landlord to terminate the lease after September 1 would not be effective and the lease would continue for another crop year, although a tenant operator can choose to agree to accept a landlord’s late termination.

Why the new law?

It’s been common practice in Ohio for landlords and tenants to enter into a simple farm lease arrangement, usually verbal, that repeats from year-to-year with the only term up for discussion sometimes being the rental amount. Other important leasing details are overlooked, such as when the lease ends and what one party must do to terminate the lease.  The lack of these details is especially problematic when the land changes hands due to a sale or a landlord’s death, or if another operator tries to “bid up” the leasing amount.  Without any termination notice provisions, the landlord might try to terminate the leasing arrangement in late Winter or early Spring, after the tenant operator made investments on the belief that the lease would continue for another crop year.   f the operator stands to lose investments and income, litigation is the likely outcome and a court will decide if the landlord attempted to terminate the lease “too late.”  We’e seen many cases like this in Ohio.

Ohio’s new law aims to reduce farm lease termination conflicts by requiring the landlord to give  advance notice of the intent to terminate the lease.  A termination by the landlord by September 1 should provide the operator with sufficient notice that the lease is not continuing, keeping the operator from making post-harvest and end-of-year investments for the next crop year.  This is a common law in other states, and Ohio is one of the last states in the Midwest to enact this type of “statutory termination date” for farm leases.

New law highlights the importance of a written farm lease

We always encourage parties to put their farm lease agreement in writing.  A written farm lease can detail important terms such as termination, preventing uncertainty in the future.  A written lease also complies with Ohio’s Statute of Frauds. That law requires a farm lease to be in writing, meaning that verbal leases aren’t automatically enforceable in a court of law.  Due to the Statute of Frauds requirement, parties to a verbal farm lease must convince the court that their lease deserves an “exception” from the law and if the exception is granted, would have to prove the terms of their verbal agreement.  Verbal leases are always at risk of non-enforcement and disagreement over the terms of the lease.

Using a written lease, the parties may agree to their own termination procedures and dates and the statutory termination law would not apply to their leasing arrangement.  The law is simply a default for those crop leasing situations that do not address termination.

Details of the new law

We’ve developed several questions and answers that help explain the new law, available here and in our newest Law Bulletin, Ohio’s New Statutory Termination Date for Farm Crop Leases, available on

What farm leases are subject to the new law?
The law applies to both written and verbal “agricultural lease agreements” that address the planting, growing, and harvesting of agricultural crops. The law does not apply to leases for pasture, timber, farm buildings, horticultural buildings, or equipment.

What if a lease already addresses termination?
The new law only applies when a leasing arrangement has not provided for a termination date or a method for giving notice of termination. If the landlord and tenant operator have addressed these provisions in their leasing situation, the provisions are unchanged by the law and continue to be effective.

When is the termination effective?
If a landlord gives notice of termination in writing by September 1, the law states that the lease is terminated either upon the date harvest is complete or December 31, whichever is earlier. However, the law allows the parties to establish a different termination date if agreed to in writing.

How must a landlord give notice of termination?
The landlord must give the notice in writing and deliver it to the tenant operator by hand, mail, facsimile, or email by September 1. The law does not require using specific language for the notice, but we recommend including the date of the notice, an identification of the lease property, and a statement that the lease will terminate at the end of harvest or December 31, 20____ unless the parties agree in writing to a different date.

What if a landlord terminates after September 1?
Unless the leasing arrangement provides otherwise, a termination delivered by the landlord after September is not effective and the lease would continue for another period. However, the tenant operator could agree to accept the late termination. If so, the parties should both sign a termination date agreement.

Can a tenant terminate a lease after September 1?
A tenant operator is not subject to the new law and can terminate a lease after September 1 unless the leasing arrangement provides otherwise.

Help with farm leases

Our farmland leasing library contains several resources about the legal aspects of farm leases.  We also address the economic side of farmland leasing with data on cash rents and farmland values, custom rates and machinery costs, and enterprise budgets.  If you need assistance finding an agricultural attorney who works with farm leases, we can help with that too; contact us by email at  We’ll do our best to help you reduce the uncertainty and risk of your farm leasing arrangement.

CORN Newsletter

July 19-25


Editor: Stephanie Karhoff


Soybean Progress and Pod Set Growth Stages

Author: Laura Lindsey

Currently, most soybean fields in Ohio are at the R3 growth stage, meaning there is a pod at least 3/16 inch long (but less than 3/4 inch long) at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with a fully developed leaf.

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To Spray or Not to Spray…Foliar Products at R3

Authors: Laura Lindsey, Andy Michel, Horacio Lopez-Nicora

When should I spray a foliar fungicide?

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Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2022

Authors: Barry Ward, John Barker, Eric Richer, CCA

Farming is a complex business and many Ohio farmers utilize outside assistance for specific farm-related work. This option is appealing for tasks requiring specialized equipment or technical expertise.

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Scioto Watershed Whole Farm Conservation Event on August 16, 9:00am – 12:00pm

Author: Aaron Wilson


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Southwest Ohio Corn Growers & Fayette County Agronomy Field Day: Tuesday, August 16th, 2022

Author: Ken Ford

Fayette County will be the place to be on August 16th, 2022.

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Crop Water Use in Corn – What Do We Know?

Authors: Osler Ortez, Alexander Lindsey, Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA

When traveling across the state, many corn fields show well-developed tassels. Hopefully, closer field inspection also finds emerged silks that are needed to pollinate ovules on the developing ears (Figure 1).

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Lep Monitoring Update WBC Numbers on the Rise, Scouting Recommended

Authors: Bridger Cline, Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Jessi Raubenolt, Angela Arnold, Mark Badertscher, Frank Becker, Bruce Clevenger, CCA, Thomas deHaas, Nick Eckel, Allen Gahler, Kasey Goodchild, Don Hammersmith, Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Andrew Holden, Stephanie Karhoff, Ed Lentz, CCA, David Marrison, Clifton Martin, CCA, Jess McWatters, James Morris, Sarah Noggle, Richard Purdin, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Clint Schroeder, Mike Sunderman, Frank Thayer, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon

Western Bean Cutworm

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Upcoming Events


July 23


Using Annual Forages in your Pasture, Pasture Walk (Morrow)


July 26


Manure Science Review (Ohio)


July 27


Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference


July 27


Agronomy 101 Field Day


August 4


Agriculture and Water Quality: How do TMDLs and Edge-of-Field Monitoring fit in?


August 9


Drainage Installation Field Day


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Glen Arnold, CCA
Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management


Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Rachel Cochran, CCA
Water Quality Extension Associate, Defiance, Van Wert, Paulding Counties


Grant Davis, CCA
Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Taylor Dill
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mike Gastier, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Don Hammersmith


Jamie Hampton
Extension Educator, ANR


Amber Herman
Water Quality Extension Associate


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Courtney Krieger
Water Quality Extension Associate


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Alan Leininger
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
State Specialist


Ryan McMichael
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jess McWatters


Andy Michel
State Specialist, Entomology


Tony Nye
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
State Specialist, Corn & Emerging Crops


Pierce Paul
State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases


Richard Purdin
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Beth Scheckelhoff
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Matthew Schmerge
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Barry Ward
Program Leader


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

CORN Newsletter

July 12 – 18


Editor: Stephanie Karhoff


2022 Clean Sweep: Agricultural Pesticide Disposal

Author: Stephanie Karhoff

The Ohio Department of Agriculture will be sponsoring collection events for farmers wishing to dispose of unwanted pesticides. This year, the collections are happening in Erie, Greene and Van Wert counties on the following days and locations:

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Drainage Installation Field Day, Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Author: Clint Schroeder

The Ohio State University at Lima will be the host of a drainage installation field day on Tuesday, August 9th. Field demonstrations by the Ohio Land Improvement Contractors of America (OLICA) will begin at 9:00 a.m.

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Complete CORN Reader Survey by July 20

Authors: Amanda Douridas, Clint Schroeder, Stephanie Karhoff

Help OSU Extension better understand current agricultural practices and improve outreach efforts by completing our reader survey by Wednesday, July 20.

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Scouting for and Diagnosis and Quantification of Tar Spot

Authors: Pierce Paul, Jorge Valle

Tar spot is relatively easy to diagnose based on visual symptoms.

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Arrested Ear Development in Corn – How to avoid them?

Author: Osler Ortez

The crop season in Ohio is rapidly gaining progress. Depending on planting dates and hybrid relative maturities corn crop can be anywhere between early vegetative and up to tasseling.

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Strong Storms and Downed Corn – How will this affect yield?

Authors: Alexander Lindsey, Osler Ortez, Peter Thomison

Strong storms the week of July 4th have led to some downed corn fields in parts of the state.

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Lep Monitoring Update CEW, WBC, FAW and ECB Updates

Authors: Amy Raudenbush, Suranga Basnagala , Kyle Akred, Angela Arnold, Mark Badertscher, Frank Becker, Bruce Clevenger, CCA, Bridger Cline, Thomas deHaas, Taylor Dill, Nick Eckel, Don Hammersmith, Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Andrew Holden, Ed Lentz, CCA, David Marrison, Clifton Martin, CCA, Jess McWatters, James Morris, Sarah Noggle, Richard Purdin, Jessi Raubenolt, Eric Richer, CCA, Beth Scheckelhoff, Clint Schroeder, Mike Sunderman, Frank Thayer, Cindy Wallace, Curtis Young, CCA, Chris Zoller, Andy Michel, Kelley Tilmon, Lee Beers, CCA, Allen Gahler, Stephanie Karhoff, Kasey Goodchild

Western Bean Cutworm

Read more


Upcoming Events


July 13


Western Weed and Agronomy Field Day (Clark)


July 13


Soil Health Nexus Educator Training


July 23


Using Annual Forages in your Pasture, Pasture Walk (Morrow)


July 26


Manure Science Review (Ohio)


July 27


Agronomy 101 Field Day


August 4


Agriculture and Water Quality: How do TMDLs and Edge-of-Field Monitoring fit in?


August 9


Drainage Installation Field Day


August 17


Farm Pesticide Disposal at Van Wert County


August 24


Farm Pesticide Disposal at Erie County


August 25


2022 Agronomy Field Day (Morrow)


August 30


Farm Pesticide Disposal in Greene County


About C.O.R.N. Newsletter

C.O.R.N. Newsletter is a summary of crop observations, related information, and appropriate recommendations for Ohio crop producers and industry. C.O.R.N. Newsletter is produced by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomy Team, state specialists at The Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). C.O.R.N. Newsletter questions are directed to Extension and OARDC state specialists and associates at Ohio State.




Mark Badertscher
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


John Barker
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Lee Beers, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Bruce Clevenger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Trevor Corboy
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Grant Davis, CCA
Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Wayne Dellinger, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amanda Douridas
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Nick Eckel
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Alyssa Essman
Visiting Assistant Professor


Ken Ford
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Amber Herman
Water Quality Extension Associate


Andrew Holden
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Dean Kreager
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Courtney Krieger
Water Quality Extension Associate


Greg LaBarge, CPAg/CCA
Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems


Laura Lindsey
State Specialist, Soybean and Small Grains


Horacio Lopez-Nicora
State Specialist


David Marrison
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Ryan McMichael
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Jess McWatters


Gigi Neal
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Sarah Noggle
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Les Ober, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Osler Ortez
State Specialist, Corn & Emerging Crops


Clint Schroeder
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Mark Sulc
State Specialist, Forage Production


Curtis Young, CCA
Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


The information presented here, along with any trade names used, is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement is made by Ohio State University Extension is implied. Although every attempt is made to produce information that is complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit For an accessible format of this publication, visit

Urban Agriculture Pest Management Webinar Series

Please join us starting July 15th for the Urban Agriculture Pest Management Webinar Series!  This series will run for 3 Fridays in a row. This series will include the following dates and times:

  • Friday July 15th, 2022 at 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Topic: Virtual Urban Ag Tours
  • Friday July 22nd, 2022 at 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Topic: Composting with Arthropods
  • Friday July 29th 2022 at 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Scouting & Trapping Insects

Please register here, Recording links will be provided to all that register, registration provides an option to request the recording if you cannot attend at the scheduled day and time, viewing available only for a limited.