Building a Self-Help Network of Cooperatives: The Electric Co-op Story

As communities and regions look to innovative models for economic and community development, the cooperative model, and particularly networks of cooperation have emerged as a strategy to build local ownership and wealth. The story of rural electric cooperatives across the United States is a story about the power of self-help networks. Doug Miller of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives will share how the rural electric co-op community has built connections among local cooperatives, state and national organizations, and co-ops of cooperatives to support over 900 rural electric co-ops serving over 50% of the nation’s landmass.

September 2, 2021, 3:00 p.m. EST, Online

No cost, but registration is required.

Learn more and register for the webinar at

Meet Our Speaker

Doug Miller is the vice president of statewide services for Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc., the statewide trade association of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, a position he has held since December 2014. On behalf of the 24 Ohio electric distribution cooperatives, Doug oversees safety training & incident prevention, lineman development training, legislative & government affairs, communications & member services, and director & employee training. Doug is a graduate of the University of Toledo and has been in the utility industry for more than 30 years. Prior to his current role, Doug worked at Logan County Electric Cooperative as manager of member services, before assuming the role of CEO, in which he served for 18 years. Doug has been a Touchstone Energy board member for six years and currently holds the office of president.

The Appalachia Cooperates Initiative is a learning network connecting cooperative, community, business, and economic developers and advocates in Central Appalachia. To learn more about the Initiative, connect with us directly by emailing!

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To request accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact

Clermont County EC3 Play Learn Grow Group

Our SNAP-Ed team (L to R: Allison Ostrander, Sara Niekamp , and Becky Fiscus)  spent their time this morning hanging out at the EC3 (Early Childhood Coordinating Committee)  Play Learn Grow event. The event took place at Clermont Northeastern Headstart, located in Owensville. The team passed out educational materials on nutrition and youth activities. They also had the opportunity to speak to parents and children about nutrition and educational learning.

Advancing Mobile Meat in Appalachia

Whether you shop for local meat, raise livestock, operate a slaughterhouse, or create value-added products, the meat processing bottleneck affects you!

The project Planning To Advance Mobile Meat Slaughter and Processing in Ohio and Central Appalachia, conducted by The Appalachian Center for Economic Networks, Inc. (ACEnet) and project consultants, aims to draft and support a plan for a possible solution.

Will you commit ten minutes of your time to share your values and needs in a short survey?

We want to hear from as many farmers, processors, and consumers in the Ohio and Central Appalachian region as we can and appreciate any feedback.

Start the survey:

Southern Ohio Farm Show

Enjoy the first anniversary episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show!
This episode features:
  • Weather outlook with Dr. Aaron Wilson
  • Visit the new Maplecrest Meats & More in Hillsboro to learn about locally sourced meat products with Joanie Grimes, Andrea Holt, and Lindsey Hall.
  • Get tips for a championship lawn at Snow Hill Country Club from Dave Miller
  • Learn about Equine studies at Wilmington College with Daren Wright, Stephanie McConnell, Savannah Cool and Myckala Geisler
Tune in next week for another new episode! To register for the live Zoom broadcast that occurs every Wednesday at 10AM, register via:

Simple Snack for the Whole Family!

Check out this simple recipe that the whole family can help make!  This Trail Mix is filled with whole grains, protein and fruit!  For more recipes that your entire family can enjoy, check out

Kitchen Activities for Kids!

Get your preschooler to try new foods by having them help in the kitchen.  Check out these tips for helping your kids to feel good about doing something “grown-up.”

For additional information on this topic and more, check out

Farewell, Friends!

While I am excited about opportunities that await my future, it is with sadness that I say good-bye.  My final day with OSU Extension will be Friday, May 28.  Until then, I am working limited hours wrapping up programming and projects that I have scheduled.  I have resumed working for the Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce as the Director of Member Services, a position I held for 12 years before coming to Extension.

Thank you for the warm welcome during my time in Clermont County.  I will cherish the many friendships I’ve made along the way.   I’ve enjoyed working with, and learning from all of you; it has been a pleasure!  Thank you for letting me be part of the journey.

Thank you for all the experiences and wonderful memories!



Southern Ohio Farm Show

In this week’s episode of the Southern Ohio Farm Show, we have an updated weather outlook with Dr. Aaron Wilson, and tax and succession planning with Richard Purdin. Tune in next week for another new episode!


Southern Ohio Farm Show

This week on the Southern Ohio Farm Show we are joined by Dr. Tim McDermott for gardening tips, Dave Apsley helps us identify the pitch pine, information on sustainability, and supplementing beef cattle during the winter with Richard Purdin. Tune in next week for another new episode!  Watch Here