
These are terms commonly used in the website that may be not commonly known. The terms include coding phrases, acronyms, and engineering terms.

When talking about code terms, the specific letters in the code commands are as follows:

The stands for the number of motors, which can be 1 (motor 1), 2 (motor 2) or 4 (all motors).

The p1 and p2 represent the power of the motors. If p1>p2 then the motor decelerates or gets slower. If p1<p2 then the motor gets faster. P, in general, refers to the percent of power outputted.

The t stands for a certain amount of time, in seconds.

The n is for the position, in marks, which can be converted with the conversion factor 3.9 inches per 8 marks of 0.4875 inches/mark.


AEV: Advance Energy Vehicle

brake(m); :Stops a set amount of motors, controlled by m, but does not stop the AEV, just stops the motors

celerate(m,p1,p2,t); : This command accelerates or decelerates the motors based on the numbers put in.

goFor(t); :Follows the previous line or command for a set amount of time, in seconds

goToAbsolutePosition(n); :This n looks at the absolute position, in relation to the whole track. For example, if the AEV is at mark 5 and it is to go to mark 24, the command should be goToAbsolutePosition(24);.

goToRelativePosition(n); : This n can be positive or negative, depending on if the motors are to go forward or backward. This command focuses on the marks from the current position. For example, if the AEV is at mark 5 and it is to go to mark 24, the command should be goToRelativePosition(19).

motorSpeed(m,p); :Starts the motor at a specific percent power. This is usually paired with goFor(t); since this does not specify how long the motor should go for.

reverse(m); : Reverse direction of the motors. The number of motors in controlled by m.