Meeting 28

Date: 5 – April – 2019                                

Time: 9:35-10:55

Members Present: Larenz Coles, Brittany Shine, Allan Thomas, & Tara Maynard

Location: Hitchcock 224


Complete coding for the final performance test.

Topics Discussed: Lab 20

  • The team started by trying to mimic the second performance test to get to the final loading dock
    • Tara calculated the number of marks to adjust for the backwards direction on the track
    • The AEV rolled much more quickly down the larger decline and the added weight decreased the effectiveness of the physical brake
  • Brittany suggesting adjusting the power to ensure the AEV would cut power sooner and decrease the speed of the AEV as it traveled down the decline
  • Allan suggested implementing the physical brake sooner so it had more room to glide across the track before coming to a stop
  • The team continued to use guess and check to adjust both the power and marks of the brake
    • The AEV was hitting the end of the track and bouncing back

To Do/Action Items:

  • Finish progress report 3 and final oral presentation poster (All – April 7)


  • The increased weight of the AEV makes it more difficult to go down the decline without picking up too much speed
  • The physical brake is less effective with the added weight and larger decline
  • The AEV code must be adjusted to allow more time for the AEV to come to a stop prior to bursting