Meeting 29

Date: 9 – April – 2019                               

Time: 9:10-10:05

Members Present: Larenz Coles, Brittany Shine, Allan Thomas, & Tara Maynard

Location: Hitchcock 308


Pass the first run of the final performance test.

Topics Discussed: Lab 20

  • The AEV began to run short of the caboose with the new battery
  • The team had to use guess and check several times to ensure it would not fall short
    • Larenz started by increasing the power of the burst to try to reach the caboose
  • The AEV began hitting the caboose too hard
    • The team began testing the AEV several times before changing the code to account for possible flukes
  • After guessing and checking many times, the AEV gently hit the caboose to pick it up
  • The team finished the first performance test, missing points for hitting the end of the loading dock and bouncing back

To Do/Action Items:

  • Figure out how to ensure that the AEV can slow enough to not hit the end of the dock


  • The power must be adjusted to ensure that the AEV can slow enough to use a gentle burst function to get into the loading dock without going to far
  • The power will be decreased earlier while also bringing the brake up earlier to slow the AEV