Lab 5 – Website Deliverables

Lab Five utilized the designs created in Lab Four to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of each individual design.  Preparation for Lab Five included familiarizing the team with screening and scoring matrices.

A screening matrix is simple was to quickly eliminate ideas by ranking criteria of each design with a simple +, -, or 0.  The net score is calculated to determine whether the team should continue with that design.  The screening matrix for each design is shown below.

The result of this concluded that Design A and the Group Design should be continued.  The Reference, Design C, and Design D have aspects that should be used in combination with other ideas.  Design B should be eliminated.

The next step in determining the legitimacy of a design is using a scoring matrix.  This is a more in-depth method that involves including the weight of importance of each criteria.  The scoring matrix for the individual and team designs can be found below.

The result of the scoring matrix demonstrated that Design A and the Group design should be developed based on the weight of the criteria.

Additional details involving Lab 5 can be found in Progress Report 1.