Date: 10 – February – 2019
Time: 3:00-4:00
Members Present: Larenz Coles, Tara Maynard, Brittany Shine, & Allan Thomas
Location: Drackett Tower Lobby
Compare individual vehicle designs to consolidate ideas into one primary design for testing.
Topics Discussed: Lab 4
- Each team member quickly went over their designs again with brief explanation
- Tara suggested not using the “airplane” design in order to decrease mass of the overall design
- Larenz suggested using the vertical design to decrease the air resistance as the AEV travels forward
- The team collaborated to create a basic sketch of the design
- Brittany questioned whether the vehicle would be balanced so the team discussed ways to ensure that the weight would be distributed evenly
- For the grant proposal, Tara suggested making a base that would be smaller and less mass, but a smaller base would not hold everything
- Allan suggested making the additional part smaller wheels and volunteered to make the SolidWorks of the part
- Research was done to prove this
- Team decided who would do each part of the progress report individually and when to meet next
- Tara: Backwards looking
- Brittany: Forward looking
- Allan/Larenz: Appendices/Questions
To Do/Action Items:
- Individuals each complete their parts (All – Feb 14)
- Meet Feb 14 to edit Progress Report
- Google Slide (Tara – Feb 14)
- Wheel SolidWorks (Allan – Feb 14)
- Plan presentation (Allan/Larenz – Feb 15)
- Smaller wheels make for a more energy efficient vehicle due to the inertia of starting and stopping
- The vertical design should produce a more aerodynamic structure because less of the structure is going against the direction of travel.