Final Pitch

Our aev is the perfect mode of transportation to transport residents between  the Polaris, Linden and Easton districts because it is fast, efficient, and quiet. The aev operates on a suspended monorail system and has the capability of transporting residents to their destination in just under a minute. The aev has a vertical design that operates with two propellers. Between the combination of its design and the use of a manual breaking system, this creates a very smooth and stable ride for passengers. The aev does have a final cost of $632,399, but in the long run it is well worth it. The areas of Columbus that it is needed most  are considered urban desert due to a lack of affordable grocery stores, healthcare centers, and banks. The area is also highly susceptible to car crashes because of how congested it becomes. This aev would connect the people of the area to the services that they need and create a safe transportation system.