Meeting 1

Date: 11 – Jan – 2019                                                                                        Meeting 1

Time: 9:35-10:55 (Lab 1 class period)

Members Present: Larenz Coles, Tara Maynard, Brittany Shine, & Allan Thomas

Location: Hitchcock 224


Set up the sketchbook in Arduino, practice coding motors, and set up the AEV website.

Topics Discussed: Lab 1

  • Allan and Larenz focused on setting up the motors and uploading information to the Arduino
  • Brittany created the website for company and started making sections
  • Tara wrote meeting notes and programmed code for Arduino to run

To do/Action Items:

  • Make sections on website and create team pages with student information (Brittany)
  • Write approach to MCR and objective sections (Brittany/Allan)
  • Submit meeting notes (Tara)


  • We had to ensure the board was set to “Arduino nano” in the settings and the right COM port was selected for the program to upload correctly