Coasting vs. Power Braking


Coasting is conducted by simply stopping the motors and letting the AEV stop on its own. Coasting to a stop is potentially dangerous because the distance can only be estimated, not directly determined. Although is cannot be seen on the graph, stoppage distances ranged from 3.11 m to 5.75 m. This means that the AEV may stop short of the goal or crash at a high speed and derail. The benefit of coasting to a stop is less power usage than power braking.

Power Braking

Power Braking is conducted by reversing the motors so the AEV stops more quickly. As seen by the graph, stopping distances were much more precise with only a small deviation. Power braking is safer because stop locations can be precisely determined and are consistent. More power is used than in coasting as displayed by the graph..

Group N has determined that power braking is the better overall choice for stopping. Safety is a critical aspect of Group N’s values, so despite power braking using more energy it is the safer choice because of its precise and consistent stopping locations.