Group N

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Group N’s will be marketing their AEV towards factories. The AEV will built for the purpose of transporting objects that are small, specialized, and lightweight between stations overhead. A network of metal bars will be placed above and below the groves of the wheels, ensuring that the AEV does not derail. An electric charging current will run through the bars providing power for the propellers ensuring a constant source of power, thereby eliminating the need for a battery pack that would be heavy and constantly need to be changed. Objects must be small and lightweight as to not compromise the safety of the workers below. The AEV will mainly carry specialized tools or individual documents directly between stations. Locations inside the factory will programmed into an onboard computed so workers only need to press the location on an onboard screen and the AEV will immediately deliver its cargo to the selected location. This overhead transport system will move objects more quickly and efficiently by moving directly overhead, completely uninhibited by the workers on the floor.


