Meeting Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224
Attendees: Ronnie, Jack, John, Indra (All present)
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
- Recapped the last class
- Website Update
- Updated deliverables
- Updated Meeting minutes
- Began the data testing for the advanced R&D
- Had to create code
- This took many tries and we had to debug our device
- We ended up blowing a wire out of the battery connection perhaps due to a power connection failure
- Fixed it with the help of a TA
- Had to create code
- Got a few runs in for the data testing
- The lines were crowded so nobody was able to complete 10 trials
- Planned ahead for the next lab
Upcoming Tasks
- All – Update the deliverable and record progress
Week 7
Location: Computer Lab Hitchcock Hall
Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
Advanced R & D 2
- Instructor presentation (Dr. Bixler)
- Group discussion on our plans for the AEV project – What we intend to do/ how we plan to divide the work
- [group] Brainstormed ideas for the project
Prepared R & D oral presentation preparation
- [group] Divided up parts
- [group] Completed the power point presentation and practiced
Website Update 3
- Completed Meeting Minutes
- Completed other parts of the website
Assigned Jobs
- Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
- Jack – Coordinated jobs
- John – Ensured all is up to date on AEV
- Indra – Completed checklist for assignments
Future Tasks
- Design and code the AEV
- Complete all tasks for project
- Complete all checklist items for website
Week 8
Location: Computer Lab Hitchcock Hall
Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
Completed Oral Presentation
- [group] Divided up parts
- [group] Completed the power point presentation according to rubric
Progress Report 2
- Divided Jobs
- Completed the assignment according to the rubric
Assigned Jobs
- Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
- Jack – Coordinated jobs
- John – Ensured all is up to date on AEV
- Indra – Completed checklist for assignments
Future Tasks
- Design and code the AEV
- Complete all tasks for project
- Complete all checklist items for website
Week 9
Day a).
Week 7
Location: Computer Lab Hitchcock Hall
Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra
Topics Discussed/ Events that happened
Advanced R & D Comparison
- Compared R&D results with the findings of other groups
Assigned Jobs
- Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
- Jack – Coordinated jobs
- John – Ensured all is up to date on AEV
- Indra – Completed checklist for assignments
Future Tasks
- Design and code the AEV
- Complete all tasks for project
- Complete all checklist items for website