3. AR&D


Meeting Location: Hitchcock Hall Room 224

Attendees: Ronnie, Jack, John, Indra (All present)


Topics Discussed/ Events that happened

  1. Recapped the last class
  2. Website Update
    1. Updated deliverables
    2. Updated Meeting minutes
  3. Began the data testing for the advanced R&D
    1. Had to create code
      1. This took many tries and we had to debug our device
    2. We ended up blowing a wire out of the battery connection perhaps due to a power connection failure
    3. Fixed it with the help of a TA
  4. Got a few runs in for the data testing
    1. The lines were crowded so nobody was able to complete 10 trials
  5. Planned ahead for the next lab


Upcoming Tasks

  1. All – Update the deliverable and record progress


Week 7

Location: Computer Lab  Hitchcock Hall

Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra

Topics Discussed/ Events that happened

Advanced R & D 2

    1. Instructor presentation (Dr. Bixler)
    2. Group discussion on our plans for the AEV project – What we intend to do/ how we plan to divide the work
    3. [group] Brainstormed ideas for the project

Prepared R & D oral presentation preparation

    1. [group] Divided up parts
    2. [group] Completed the power point presentation and practiced

Website Update 3

  1. Completed Meeting Minutes
  2. Completed other parts of the website

Assigned Jobs

    1. Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
    2. Jack – Coordinated jobs
    3. John – Ensured all is up to date on AEV
    4. Indra – Completed checklist for assignments

Future Tasks

  1. Design and code the AEV
  2. Complete all tasks for project
  3. Complete all checklist items for website


Week 8

Location: Computer Lab  Hitchcock Hall

Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra

Topics Discussed/ Events that happened

Completed Oral Presentation

    1. [group] Divided up parts
    2. [group] Completed the power point presentation according to rubric

Progress Report 2

  1. Divided Jobs
  2. Completed the assignment according to the rubric

Assigned Jobs

    1. Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
    2. Jack – Coordinated jobs
    3. John – Ensured all is up to date on AEV
    4. Indra – Completed checklist for assignments

Future Tasks

  1. Design and code the AEV
  2. Complete all tasks for project
  3. Complete all checklist items for website


Week 9

Day a).

Week 7

Location: Computer Lab  Hitchcock Hall

Attendees: Ronnie, John, Jack, Indra

Topics Discussed/ Events that happened

Advanced R & D  Comparison

    1. Compared R&D results with the findings of other groups

Assigned Jobs

    1. Ronnie – will do the meeting minutes
    2. Jack – Coordinated jobs
    3. John – Ensured all is up to date on AEV
    4. Indra – Completed checklist for assignments

Future Tasks

  1. Design and code the AEV
  2. Complete all tasks for project
  3. Complete all checklist items for website
