Location: Hitchcock Hall 308
Time: 3:00 PM–3:55 PM, March 30, 2018
Attendees: Rachel Bobango, Matt Deminski, Jarred Fink, Molly Goergen
Topics Discussed: Committee Meeting Two, Final Performance Test
Objective: Today’s main focus was to complete Committee Meeting Two and continue to develop the code for the Final Performance Test
- Speak about PR at the Committee Meeting (Jarred)
- Speak about HR at the Committee Meeting (Molly)
- Speak about R&D at the Committee Meeting (Matt, Rachel)
- Write code for AEV (Jarred)
- Run tests on the track (Rachel, Molly, Matt)
- The team decided that overall, the team is on schedule and moving toward completing the Final Performance Test
- The team thought the committee meeting went well