Lunch and Learn: Accessible and Impactful Course Design in Carmen

Monday, Nov. 5, noon – 1 p.m.
Accessible and Impactful Course Design in Carmen
Wendy Klooster, Assistant Professor, Horticulture & Crop Science

Do you want to increase student engagement and success in your courses? Are you interested in attracting more diverse students? Making some strategic course design choices can help you achieve these goals. This session will discuss the benefits of using the Quality Matters (QM) method for course design. Key features of this method relate to designing clear learning objectives, accurately measuring student progress, and leveraging instructional technology in the most effective way. Although specifically targeted to online or hybrid courses, any form of instruction, including in-person courses, extension, or mentoring, can benefit from consideration of the QM standards.

Join us live at:

In case you missed the last lunch and learn – Bringing the pits to online learning: At home labs in soil science and other dirty tales by Ron Reuter, Associate Professor and Program Lead Natural Resources, Oregon State University – it is available online. Click here to view it.

Bucks for Charity Final Week – Halloween Social Hour Oct. 30

We’re in the final week of the 2018 Bucks for Charity campaign and so close to reaching our goal.  Take a moment today to make your personal pledge to your favorite central Ohio charity.  Pledge here!  Every buck really does count!

Not sure which campaign to give to?  Join us tomorrow, Oct. 30, 1:30 – 3 p.m. in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium for the CFAES Bucks for Charity Halloween Social Hour and make a one-time cash or check donation.  There will be tons of trick or treat fun with sweet treats, snacks, and raffle prizes!  Wear your best (work appropriate) costume for an extra chance to win prizes.  All proceeds will go to Bucks for Charity.

Thanks to our CFAES Leadership Picture Match Game participants. Congratulations to our raffle winners:  Dave Davisson, Kathy Lechman, Emily Steiner, Shirley Lin, and Chip Tuson.

For those wondering which picture belongs to whom, the wait is over!  Thanks again to the 13 volunteers who submitted photos in support of the campaign.

Go Bucks and Go Bucks for Charity!

AEDE Chair Candidate Seminars

The search committee for the chair of the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics announced the dates and times for the candidate seminars. They are:

Oct. 31    Dr. Gerald Shively
Nov. 5     Dr. Terry Hurley
Nov. 27   Dr. Sandra Hoffmann

All three seminars will be in Ag Admin 250A and will be from 10 – 11:30 a.m.

Dr. Craig Gundersen, also a candidate, had his seminar last week.

Click here for more information about the position.

Humanitarian Development and Innovation’s Seminar

Come and see Mike Stoots from East Tennessee State University speak at Humanitarian Development and Innovation’s seminar: The Niswonger VILLAGE – A Public Health Simulation Lab! This event will be taking place on Nov. 5, at 9 a.m. in Scott Lab E100. Click here to RSVP for the event!

The Niswonger VILLAGE (Virtual International Living and Learning Across Global Environments) at the East Tennessee State University Eastman Valleybrook Campus is a public health simulation lab that replicates how people live and work in low-resource settings. Using role playing, case studies, and simulated scenarios, students face real-world challenges, and gain confidence in their ability to make a difference in the lives of other people.

The Niswonger VILLAGE is one area on Project EARTH (Employing Available Resources to Transform Health), which helps to prepare public health graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in almost any environment, especially the kinds of low-resource environments that might exist in rural areas, or following either a natural and man-made disaster. To this end, students learn to provide clean water, sanitation and shelter, among other skills. At the same time, students are learning teamwork, problem solving and creative thinking — skills relevant in all worksites. This seminar will highlight the VILLAGE’s creation and use, as well as, provide an overview of Project EARTH.

Mike Stoots is the Director of Operations of Project EARTH and Undergraduate Coordinator of Community Health in the College of Public Health at East Tennessee State University. Project EARTH (Employing Available Resources to Transform Health) helps to prepare public health graduates with the knowledge and skills necessary to work in almost any environment, especially the kinds of low-resource environments that might exist in rural areas, or following either a natural and man-made disaster. In 2017, Stoots was awarded the Delta Omega Award for Innovative Public Health Curriculum for “Project EARTH: An Innovation in Education and an Education in Innovation”. Stoots also led an effort to revise the undergraduate public health program at East Tennessee State University by creating a workforce-centered curriculum. He has over 25 years of experience teaching undergraduate public health students.

Smart Campus Challenge for Students

As part of its annual academic investment program, the Ohio State Energy Partners (OSEP) will fund the Smart Campus Challenge, a venture capitalist-style student sustainability competition in February 2019.

Student teams who advance through an initial proposal process will have the opportunity to pitch campus sustainability projects to a committee of Ohio State faculty, staff, alumni and ENGIE program managers for the chance to get their dream project funded.

“Each of us plays an essential role in the innovation of tomorrow,” said Jean-Pierre Clamadieu. “By working together, we can accelerate innovation and the implementation of projects with widespread impact. We look forward to engaging with students on their ideas to imagine new possibilities and drive solutions to make Ohio State’s campus a model for others to follow.”

The student sustainability competition aims to connect student talents to sustainability innovation by funding projects that enhance its campus’ resource efficiency and environmental performance.

More information is available on the OSEP website. Please share this opportunity with your students.

Proposals for the competition are due Dec. 7, 2018. All proposals must be submitted to the OSEP website. Click here for more information on the Smart Campus Challenge and to submit a proposal.


I-Corps@Ohio Program Request for Proposals

We are pleased to announce the release of the 2019 Request for Proposals for the fifth year of the I-Corps@Ohio Program.

The I-Corps@Ohio program incorporates Lean Startup, Customer Discovery, and Business Model Canvas methodologies to accelerate commercialization of technologies from Ohio universities, colleges, and research institutions while expanding the business acumen and networks of faculty and students across the state. The resulting companies will drive sustainable technology-based economic development in Ohio.

Registration begins on Oct. 23, 2018, and you have until Jan. 15, 2019, to submit your application for funding provided by the Ohio Department of Higher Education to be selected to participate in the 2019 I-Corps@Ohio cohort. Form your team now and submit your university technology using the online questionnaire to begin the process of taking your technology from lab to market.

Click here to view the RFP.

Shauna Brummet, president and CEO of BioHio Research Park, coaches CFAES I-Corps@Ohio teams. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, contact Shauna.

Click here to apply.

I-Corps@Ohio is a statewide program to assist faculty and graduate students from Ohio universities and colleges to validate the market potential of their technologies and launch startup companies. I-Corps@Ohio is modeled after the National Science Foundation’s successful I-Corps program, which is proven to increase innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry collaboration.

CFAES Website Search Feature Enhancement Launched

You may not be aware, but CFAES has nearly 300 unique websites on our network. While they are all part of the same web environment (Drupal), they are stand-alone sites.

Because of this set up, in the past if you did a search from the CFAES home page, the search was pulling content just from Likewise, if you did a search on a department website, the search was pulling content from only that department site.

Last week Marketing and Communications launched an enhancement that allows users to search all CFAES websites that are in our Drupal web environment.

By default, will return search results from all CFAES websites. All other CFAES websites, like departments and programs, will show only results on the individual site searched; however, once the search results appear, there will be a check box that allows users to unmark searching content only for that site.

This will make it easier for individuals to find our programs, people, and initiatives from our website.

Explain Everything Whiteboard App Price Increase

Explain Everything Whiteboard is a paid mobile app that functions as an interactive whiteboard platform where people collaborate, share, and learn. Students receiving iPads as part of Digital Flagship have the Explain Everything app included at no cost. Faculty and staff may wish to purchase Explain Everything Whiteboard to mirror the student experience. The price for Explain Everything Whiteboard recently increased to $14.99 regardless of how many copies are purchased. If you wish to purchase a copy of Explain Everything Whiteboard (or any other software) then you may submit a request to the IT Service Desk.

If you’d like to learn more about using the app, OSU’s own Scott Sheeler has developed some tutorial videos on using Explain Everything.

Bucks for Charity – Final Two Weeks to Give

Today marks the start of the final two weeks of the 2018 Bucks for Charity campaign.  In four short weeks we have managed to raise $13,513.10, which is more than half of our goal!  As we enter the final stretch of this years’ campaign it is important to dig deep and support our local central Ohio community.  Make your pledge today by visiting!

Thanks to everyone that has donated and participated in the Leadership Picture Match Game.  Also, a huge thanks to the volunteers who submitted the adorable photos.  Be sure to make your pledge and submit your matches today to be entered to win one of the five great prizes!  Winners will be contacted via email later this week and the big reveal of the picture matches will be included in next week’s CFAES Weekly Digest post.

As a reminder, the CFAES Bucks for Charity Halloween Social Hour will be held Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium.  For a small suggested donation of $5, join the CFAES Bucks for Charity Coordinators for an afternoon of Trick or Treat fun.  Participants will be entered to win one of 10 great prizes.  Wear your best (work appropriate) costume for an additional entry for raffle prizes.  All proceeds will go to Bucks for Charity.

Go Bucks and Go Bucks for Charity!

Snow Blower Clinic

It’s hard to believe but winter is right around the corner! Before you know it, it will be time to get your snow blower out to clear your driveways and sidewalks! Although, we hope winter holds off for a while, it is time to get your snow blower tuned up and ready to go for the upcoming winter season, so you can be prepared to stay ahead of the snow fall.

Agricultural Systems Management Club is holding its first-ever Snow Blower Clinic to provide preventative maintenance to get your snowblower ready to go for the snow. Services Include:

  • Oil change
  • Spark plug replacement
  • Flushing fuel system
  • Tightening any loose bolts

Snow blowers must be in running condition to be serviced. We will not be providing any additional services at this clinic. If your snow blower needs additional maintenance, we will refer you to a local repair business. We will not accept any 2-stroke snow blowers. Only 4-stroke snow blowers will be accepted.

Cost: $40/snow blower. Cash only please. Credit cards will NOT be accepted.

590 Woody Hayes Drive Agricultural Engineering Building Courtyard
Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 22-23
Times: 7 – 9 a.m. and 4 – 6 p.m.

590 Woody Hayes Drive Agricultural Engineering Building Courtyard
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 25-26
Times: 7 – 9 a.m. and 4 – 6 p.m.

For more information and any questions, please contact: Ross Schroeder or Jacob Lesch


Associate Dean’s Coffee Hour

Greetings! Based on feedback, there will be more opportunities for graduate students and post-docs to chat informally with the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education. We highly encourage you to attend, as this is a great opportunity to ask questions, give suggestions, or hear updates about research and graduate education at the college.

The first of these events will be on Oct. 24 from 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. in the Yenne Room, Shisler Center (Wooster). Coffee and cookies will be provided.

Stay tuned for more information about additional opportunities.

Invention and Commercialization Assistance

Invention and commercialization assistance is now available on Wooster campus at BioHio in Pounden Hall.

On Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018, a representative from the Technology Commercialization Office (TCO), Jay Dahlman, will be available at the Wooster campus from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. The TCO representative, along with Dr. Shauna Brummet, president and CEO BioHio, will address questions from faculty, staff, post-docs, and students focused on innovation, commercialization, and entrepreneurship at The Ohio State University.

Please feel free to stop by the BioHio Innovation Lounge, 3rd floor of Pounden Hall— the incubator for the BioHio Research Park. BioHio is a regular collaborator with the TCO and works closely to provide resources for Wooster campus faculty and staff as well as increased opportunities to connect with companies and organizations on a local, national, and global level.

To schedule an appointment time with a TCO representative outside of the designated standing appointment timeframe, please contact Jay Dahlman.

Lunch and Learn: At Home Labs in Soil Science

Friday, Oct  26, noon – 1 p.m.
Bringing the pits to online learning: At home labs in soil science and other dirty tales
by Ron Reuter, Associate Professor and Program Lead Natural Resources, Oregon State University

Science happens in kitchens all over the world every hour of the day – and hardly anybody thinks anything about it. Soil science, while complex in theory, can be explored at the beginner’s level in a kitchen, in a hands-on way, with very simple tools, and provide the same amount of insight as a class at an R1 university teaching lab. We will explore some simple experiments and engage our creativity to explore new ways of learning hands-on science, without the science lab. Ron will also share his research into how well students are learning key concepts when labs are taught in this manner.

Dr. Ron Reuter is an associate professor in the Forest Resources Department at Oregon State University Cascades. He teaches several classes and is engaged in research in the areas of effective distance education technology and ecosystem processes in Oregon’s high desert. He was a guest speaker at the 2017 CFAES Price Chair in Teaching, Learning, and Advising Symposium. We have had several requests to bring him back to share his insights with more of our science faculty thinking about teaching online.

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