Mental Health Awareness Training

Mental Health Awareness Training
Date: Friday, May 22nd
Time: 1:00-2:00PM EST
Location: Zoom (link sent after registration)
Register here

The Ohio State University Employee Assistance Program is offering a Mental Health Awareness training program to help OSU employees improve their understanding of mental health. Participants of this training program will learn how to:

  • Identify signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse
  • Recognize warning signs of suicide
  • Support coworkers and others who may be experiencing mental health difficulties
  • Access treatment and resources available to OSU employees

This event is sponsored by the CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a part of several initiatives to support of neurodiverse individuals and to promote the mental health and wellbeing of the OSU community. The event is free and open to all OSU employees.

Presenter: Suzanne Vickers is a licensed clinical social worker who has a background in Employee Assistance work with staff in the Emergency Department at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and currently with the  EAP team here at Ohio State as a counselor, trainer and crisis debriefer.  She is passionate about offering strategies to improve OSU employees resilience, mental well-being and fulfillment. In her personal life, she loves to care for her rescue dog, to work on creative projects and spend time with her partner and her friends.

Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Leo Taylor(.3408), the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager for Faculty and Staff Affairs in CFAES.

Understanding Generational Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Creating Synergies Through Effective Communication

Understanding Generational Diversity in Today’s Workplace: Creating Synergies Through Effective Communication
Hosted by the CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on Monday, May 18th, 11AM-12:30PM, the workshop is free and open to the entire OSU community as well as the general public.

Location: Zoom (link sent after registration)

Register here

Did you know that there are now five generations in the workplace? Are you a Traditionalist (>73), Baby Boomer (54-72), Gen X (38-53), Millennial (24-37), or a Gen Z (8-23)? There are both similarities and differences amongst these generations that contribute to the richness of a diverse workforce. Effectively communicating and collaborating with one another can be challenging when we do not understand the unique experiences and perspectives of our colleagues. In this workshop, you will learn how understanding generational diversity can improve employee engagement, impact retention, and increase organizational productivity. Participants will explore how bridging the generational gap can foster respect, positive relationships, and create an inclusive work environment.

About the presenter
Ankit Shah is a Career Consultant in the Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management at The Ohio State University. In this role he provides one-on-one career advice to multi-generational alumni across industries. Ankit also provides ongoing professional development trainings via webinars, podcasts, and virtual group coaching sessions. He has more than nine years of experience in the career management field within higher education and K-12 settings. He has advised students and alumni at Methodist University, Denison University, Columbus State Community College, and The Ohio State University.

Ankit holds a BS in Early Childhood Education from the University of Toledo and a MEd in Higher Education Administration with specialization in Student Affairs from North Carolina State University.  He is currently pursuing a MA in Workforce Development & Education with specialization in Adult Education & Human Resources Development at The Ohio State University.

Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Leo Taylor(.3408), the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager for Faculty and Staff Affairs in CFAES.

Get Involved with Pelotonia!

Though we are uncertain what the actual bike ride in August will look like right now, Pelotonia is looking at several options such as having smaller, in person rides, or a completely virtual ride. Regardless of what the ride looks like this year, cancer research has not stopped, and our medical professionals need our help now more than ever. Will you join us?

What is Pelotonia?
Founded in Columbus, OH in 2009, Pelotonia started as a grassroots bike tour. Ten years later, Pelotonia has raised over $200 million for cancer research.

Why get involved?
The funds raised by Pelotonia are donated to the OSU James Comprehensive Cancer Center. Money is used by researchers (including a number of students supported on fellowships) and medical professionals at our university to get closer to achieving Pelotonia’s one goal: cure cancer.

In addition, this year Pelotonia in collaboration with OSUCCC-James and the broader Ohio State University research enterprise, has created a research fund with an initial pledge of $1 million to investigate the impact of COVID-19 on the cancer community.

You can read about Pelotonia’s impact at OSU, including stories of riders and those who have been impacted by the annual event, on our Team Buckeye webpage.

How to get involved?
Check out Pelotonia’s new website with information and updates specific to this time, including fun virtual events, a community forum where you can submit cool stories you see happening or are a part of, and lots of other resources.


  • Go to the Pelotonia website and click on the Register tab on the top left side of the page.
    • Virtual Riders and Volunteers do not pay a registration fee.
    • Typically, riders must commit to raising a certain amount of funds each year, however fundraising commitments for 2020 will not be enforced. This is a great year to get involved as a rider if you may have previously been deterred by any fundraising commitments!
    • Members are encouraged to raise whatever amount they feel comfortable with, but your credit card will not be charged if the minimum commitment isn’t met.
    • Check out the FAQs on the PelotoniaRISE microsite for details on fundraising as well as lots of information about how Pelotonia is supporting the bigger community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • During registration you will be prompted to join a peloton (team). Click on the drop box and find pelotons starting with Team Buckeye.
  • Many Advancement members have connected with Team Buckeye – Alumni & Friends which includes staff from 1480 West Lane, the Alumni Association and Advancement staff from across the University.
  • If you’ve wanted to participate in Pelotonia, but were concerned about the fundraising, 2020 is your chance to become part of the Pelotonia community.



  • All Pelotonia merchandise sales have 100% of net profits going toward helping healthcare workers at The James and OSU Wexner Medical Center. This year, there is even a new arrow design to honor our healthcare workers, designed in coordination with Team Buckeye (available in red or blue).
  • Download the PULLL app and connect to the Team Buckeye Private Reserve.
    • PULLL is an app created by Pelotonia that tracks your physical activity (walking, running, swimming, going to the gym, etc.). Every time you start the app and are active, you earn micro-donations based on time or distance.  These micro-donations are directed to your Pelotonia profile at various points in the year. In order to get donations using PULLL, you must connect your account to the Team Buckeye private reserve fund.
    • Complete details about PULLL can be found here on the Pelotonia website. To start, you simply download the free app to your android or iPhone and set up an account.
      • All Team Buckeye members who download PULLL should also connect to the Private Reserve.
      • WHY? You will earn more money for your activity by being in the Private Reserve.
      • Download the free PULLL app (green background, white arrow) from the App Store or Google Play Store and set up your account
      • Include your Pelotonia Rider ID to connect your PULLL account with your Pelotonia profile.
      • Go to on your mobile device, click the green “Join Now” button, and you’ll be connected to the Team Buckeye private reserve.
        • A red arrow and “Powered by Buckeye Nation” should appear on your PULLL app “Start Activity” page, indicating you are in the private reserve.
      • When you are ready to use the app, select the “Start Activity” button, select your activity, and click “Start.” Click “Stop” when you are done, and then click “Finish” to have your activity logged.