We’re in the final week of the 2018 Bucks for Charity campaign and so close to reaching our goal. Take a moment today to make your personal pledge to your favorite central Ohio charity. Pledge here! Every buck really does count!
Not sure which campaign to give to? Join us tomorrow, Oct. 30, 1:30 – 3 p.m. in the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium for the CFAES Bucks for Charity Halloween Social Hour and make a one-time cash or check donation. There will be tons of trick or treat fun with sweet treats, snacks, and raffle prizes! Wear your best (work appropriate) costume for an extra chance to win prizes. All proceeds will go to Bucks for Charity.
Thanks to our CFAES Leadership Picture Match Game participants. Congratulations to our raffle winners: Dave Davisson, Kathy Lechman, Emily Steiner, Shirley Lin, and Chip Tuson.
For those wondering which picture belongs to whom, the wait is over! Thanks again to the 13 volunteers who submitted photos in support of the campaign.
Go Bucks and Go Bucks for Charity!