OhioLine Launched & Printing Instructions

The new Ohioline website (http://ohioline.osu.edu) is now live. Our thanks for bearing with as we prioritized projects over the past few years and worked through a lengthy website updating and rebranding process that will continue for the foreseeable future.The new site includes improved search functionality and is responsive to mobile devices, which is critically important in a growing and evolving digital environment.

In addition to the fact sheets being more accessible on mobile devices, they are also easy to print. Simply use the “Print” command in your browser to generate a printable version of the fact sheet that is branded to OSU Extension. You may then either print the fact sheet or save it as a PDF file.

The specific process for printing will vary depending on the web browser you’re using. For example, your web browser may automatically generate a header and footer on the print-out. If you don’t want these to print out, you can control this in your web browser “Preferences” settings or the printing settings.

If you have questions about a fact sheet you already have in progress or an upcoming project, contact Dave Scardena in Marketing and Communications at scardena.1@osu.edu.

If you have questions about the Ohioline update in general or the fact sheet content review guidelines, contact Cheryl Buck at buck.19@osu.edu or 614-292-4880.

Gender Initiative Symposium

You are cordially invited to attend the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) Gender Initiative Symposium on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. This symposium, Your Career on a Continuum: Building the Skill Set for Your Lifelong Journey, is the first event of a new task force under direction of lead faculty Dr. Sandra Velleman with support from the CFAES Office of Equity and Inclusion. Among other goals, the Initiative will work towards the retention and advancement of women’s careers in the agricultural and natural sciences.

The symposium will consist of various sessions delving into topics such as career challenges and alternative options, work-life balance, conflict resolution, and the tenure process. One main highlight will be the keynote address, The Crooked Path, by Dr. Christine Daugherty, VP of Sustainable Food Production for Tyson foods. The main location will be in the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Auditorium in Columbus, and there will be a remote viewing location with facilitators in Fisher Auditorium in Wooster.

While we hope you are able to attend the entire symposium, you are welcome to join for smaller portions as your schedule permits. The event is free-of-charge and will include a continental breakfast and lunch to those pre-registered. Pre-Registration is required so we can plan accordingly. You may register at http://go.osu.edu/cfaesgender no later than Friday, February 5, 2016. For more information, please see the attached agenda, or contact Sandy Velleman (velleman.1@osu.edu) or Jared Morrison (morrison.332@osu.edu) with questions or concerns.

Thank you for your interest and support in this exciting new Initiative and we look forward to working with you.

YP4H Biometric Screening in Ag Admin

On Jan. 26th and Mar. 16th the OSU Health Plan’s RN Health Promotion Specialist(s) will be in our Ag Admin Auditorium from 8:00-2:30 to do onsite biometric health screenings.
Remember, if you have recently* had a physical or completed a biometric screening with your primary care provider, you can use those values to complete your Personal Health and Well-Being Assessment (PHA). In lieu of having an on-campus screening, share the Know Your Numbers Provider Form with your PCP to complete and submit to the OSU Health Plan.
Registration for our department screenings is now open. To register, please follow the steps below:
· Visit yp4h.osu.edu and click “Biometric Health Screening” from the “Start Here” drop down.
· Log in with your Ohio State name.# and name.# password.
· Select “Appointments and Classes” tab at the top and highlight “Biometric Health Screening”.
· In the “Appointment Code” box type in AA1262016 or AA3162016 Do NOT copy and paste as this doesn’t always work to activate the code.
· Then click “Find Appointments or Classes”. This will show only the appointments for your event in your building.
· Continue to schedule as usual. If you experience any difficulty, please contact Customer Service at 292-4700 (you must have your Appointment Code or they will not be able to assist you).

Once you obtain your required health values [height, weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL and a blood sugar value (either glucose or A1C)], complete your PHA to receive the 2017 premium credit and up to $100 in Amazon gift cards.
*Please use health values obtained since October 1, 2015.

Blood Drive (February 3)

Winter weather and seasonal illnesses can affect blood donations through the American Red Cross, but the need for blood remains. If you are healthy and eligible to give, please make an appointment to donate at Ag Admin Building on February 3! All donors will receive a Red Cross T-Shirt!

Blood Drive
Wednesday, Feb. 3
Ag Admin Building – Auditorium
10am to 4pm
If you donated on or before December 9 you may be eligible to donate at this drive.

Please schedule an appointment at: www.redcrossblood.org search sponsor code: buckeyes or call 1-800-RED CROSS.

Helpful Links:
Eligibility: http://www.redcrossblood.org/donating-blood/eligibility-requirements
Why donate blood?: http://www.redcrossblood.org/donating-blood/why-donate-blood
Tips for a Successful Donation: http://www.redcrossblood.org/donating-blood/tips-successful-donation

For information on scheduling an appointment, click below:


12th Annual Tri-State Diversity Conference

Don’t miss the 12th Annual Tri-State Diversity Conference, February 18-19, 2016 (pre-conf on 2/17) at the Marriott, Greater Cincinnati Airport. Registration is only $275 (which includes amazing meals and the famous “International Dinner”). This professional development opportunity is planned for community and classroom professionals who are interested in expanding their diversity competence. The Extension programs at Kentucky State University, University of Kentucky, Ohio State University and Purdue University collaborate to offer this award-winning conference that has become national in scope.

“A Healthy Perspective on Diversity – Progress, Partnerships, and Possibilities” is the theme for the 2016 conference.
Information and registration here: http://ces.ca.uky.edu/tristatediversityconference/index.html
Hurry. The conference room rate will be honored till 2/1/16!

Moore Inventor Fellows

Ohio State is among a select number of institutions invited by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to nominate early-stage inventors for the Moore Inventor Fellows program. Ohio State may nominate two candidates. Please see details below regarding this opportunity and the internal application instructions. Please contact me with any questions.
Moore Inventor Fellows
Note:Selected fellows will receive funding for three years at a level of $200,000 per year.
Sponsor Due Date: 05/01/2016
Internal Intent Date: 03/14/2016
Limitation Number: 2
Limitation Note: Institutions may submit up to two nomination packets.

Contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relation’s Helena Thigpen, thigpen.18@osu.edu, for more information about this foundation.

Internal Candidate Requirements:
Inspired by Gordon Moore’s passion for discovery, we are launching a new competition to identify outstanding early-stage inventors who harness science and technology solutions to enhance scientific research, strengthen environmental conservation, or improve the experience and outcomes of patient care. The Moore Inventor Fellowships will focus on investment at a critical stage of research to capture opportunities that otherwise might be missed. We seek to provide freedom and support to the most promising inventors with the most compelling ideas to pursue creative work.

Selected fellows will receive funding for three years at a level of $200,000 per year from the Moore Foundation. In addition to funds for the fellow, the foundation will provide $25,000 each year to the university to cover costs associated with administering the grant award, resulting in a total three-year award of $675,000. Host institutions will be required to make a contribution of $50,000 in annual direct support of the inventor’s work.

Applicant Instructions

Please prepare a 3-page or less description of how the project addresses this program’s guidelines and attach, in the same document, a copy of the PI’s curriculum vitae. Also please include with the description the:

• Sponsor name
• Funding opportunity name and number
• PI’s name, department, and college
• Title of the proposed project

The principal investigator (PI) for the project must meet the PI Status guidelines as defined by the university and the program guidelines. Applicants need to include a statement in the pre-proposal that reads “I have verified that I may serve as a principal investigator for this project.”

When the document is ready click on “Apply Here” at the top of this page to upload and submit the application.

Jeff Agnoli, 614-292-6269 , agnoli.1@osu.edu

Users of Internet Explorer Web Browser in Columbus and Wooster

We are in the process of upgrading Internet Explorer to version 11 due to end of support of the previous versions. Some personnel use eReports; the web-based reporting tool that provides users with access to Financial, HR and Student Information reports. Because of the complex configuration for eReports, we are performing the upgrade manually for users of eReports as a first step. If you use eReports then please contact the IT Services Help Desk or your specific IT Services staff member for assistance with performing this upgrade. This will ensure your uninterrupted access to eReports.

On February 1, 2016, Internet Explorer 11 will be automatically distributed as a standard Windows update in Columbus and Wooster. If you use eReports but do not get the manual upgrade prior to February 1 then you may have problems accessing eReports. If that happens, then contact the IT Services Help Desk or your specific IT Services staff member for assistance.

Internet Explorer users in the Extension offices in the counties will also be receiving the updated software but the process and timeline will be different. Your IT Services support staff will contact and assist you.
Matt DeVore
Chief Information Officer
College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
131C Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3577 Office

OhioLine Upgrade and Process for Fact Sheets Over 5 Years Old

We’re pleased to share with you that the new Ohioline website will be going live Wednesday, January 20. The new site will be easier to search, more easily accessed on mobile devices, and will provide a better user experience for visitors to the site.

During this upgrade of Ohioline, all fact sheets that were created during the last five years have been added to the new site. Editors in Marketing and Communications have worked ensure that the content in these fact sheets has been transferred to the new site in its entirety, including tables, graphs and links within each fact sheet.

Once the new site goes live:
· All content on the OLD Ohioline site will be unavailable online.
· If someone does a general search for a fact sheet online and gets an “error” page because that fact sheet is older than five years, he or she will see a note that informs the visitor whom to contact with questions.
· Please review the process below for validating or revising fact sheets created more than five years ago.

Process to Validate or Revise Fact Sheets Older than Five Years

Fact sheets that were created more than five years ago must be evaluated for relevance and content accuracy before they can be reposted on the new Ohioline site. If you authored or co-authored a fact sheet more than five years ago and you would like to revise and/or validate that the fact sheet content is still current, please use the following process.
· Click on this LINK to download the Fact Sheet Request Form.
· Follow the instructions on the form and complete the form, including appropriate signatures and dates.
· The form will ask you to select whether the fact sheet is being revised or validated.
o Revised: You have made revisions to an existing fact sheet. Please use the comments tool in Acrobat to make changes to the original PDF of the document and submit with the form.
o Validated: You have reviewed a fact sheet that is older than five years and no changes are needed. You are verifying that the content is still current and should be available on Ohioline.
· To help correctly identify fact sheets to be reviewed, see attached PDF for a list of fact sheets older than five years. The Marketing and Communications team can send you the content of previous fact sheets, if necessary. Email Wintringham.4@osu.edu and include the title and number of the fact sheet you are requesting. Fact_sheets_older_than_five_years[1]
· If the original author is no longer with the university, then the originating department can assign another content expert to revise or validate the fact sheet.
· All validated and revised fact sheet requests will be prioritized in the order they are received. The Marketing and Communications team will work with the fact sheet author(s) to determine next steps once the Fact Sheet Request Form has been submitted.
· As you consider whether a fact sheet needs to be revised or validated, please keep in mind that Ohioline is designed to provide access to the most current information that OSU Extension has available. The site is not designed as an archival system to record all scholarly publications for an infinite amount of time. The Knowledge Bank is a service of The Ohio State University Libraries that collects, permanently preserves and distributes the intellectual output of faculty, staff and students at The Ohio State University. For more information, visit https://kb.osu.edu.

This upgrade has not affected how NEW fact sheets are submitted, peer reviewed, or created by personnel. Click on this LINK to download the Fact Sheet Request Form. Follow the instructions on the form to complete your request.

If you have questions about a fact sheet you already have in progress or an upcoming project, contact Dave Scardena in Marketing and Communications at scardena.1@osu.edu.

If you have questions about the Ohioline update in general or the fact sheet content review guidelines, contact Cheryl Buck at buck.19@osu.edu or 614-292-4880.

Ryan J. Schmiesing, Ph.D.
Senior Administrative Officer &
Interim Director, Marketing and Communications

College of Food, Agricultural, & Environmental Sciences
140B Ag. Administration Building
2120 Fyffe Road
Columbus, Ohio 43210

614-688-4278 (O)
614-519-3780 (M)


Director, Marketing and Communications Candidate Presentations

Good afternoon,

The search committee for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Director of Marketing and Communications has identified three individuals that will be on campus January 25-26 for interviews. Following is information regarding presentations that will be video linked between Columbus and Wooster.

January 25
Michelle Ball
9:30-10:30 Presentation-Ag. Engineering 219; Wooster, 130 Research Services

January 25
Suzanne Steel
1:45-2:45 Ag. Engineering room 219; Wooster, 130 Research Services

January 26
Gary Snyder
1:45-2:45 Presentation-Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Room 216; Wooster, 130 Research Services

Candidate resumes will be available in the presentation rooms in Columbus and Wooster.


Kathy Lechman, Ph.D.
Director, Equity and Inclusion
Search Committee Chair

January 2016 Research Newsletter

Attached is the January 2016 monthly Research Newsletter from the College. I will be sending this out by the end of today to the CFAES-Researchers list serve. The newsletter is a little larger than usual due to the vast amount of funding opportunities available. Please pay close attention to some of the deadlines.

Research News January 2016 Final

If you have questions, please let me know.


Jerry Bigham
Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
The Ohio State University
1680 Madison Avenue
Wooster OH 44691
330-263-3688 (fax)

2016 YP4H Incentive Program Now Open

Faculty, staff and their enrolled S/SSDPs are now able to log in at yp4h.osu.edu to participate in the 2016 YP4H incentive program through November 30. They are encouraged to complete a biometric screening and Personal Health & Well-Being Assessment (PHA). Participants can also join challenges to earn incentives, such as premium credit for 2017, gift cards and various prizes. OSU Health Plan is scheduling additional screenings to meet the demand for Early Bird bonus points and you can schedule local screenings for your faculty and staff.

What you need to do:
Become familiar with 2016 incentive program details at yp4h.osu.edu/welcome.
Contact yp4h@osu.edu with any questions regarding this year’s program or changes.

Nominations Due – University Staff Awards

Distinguished Staff Awards

The Distinguished Staff Awards recognize and celebrate staff members who have made an impact at The Ohio State University. The award honors 12 outstanding staff members for their significant leadership, accomplishments and service to the university. Each recipient will receive a $1,500 cash award, an increase of $700 to his or her base salary and a commemorative trophy.

The nomination deadline is Friday, January 15, at 5 p.m. To nominate a staff member, visit http://hr.osu.edu/special/dsa.

What you need to do:
The link to additional information: http://hr.osu.edu/special/dsa
Print the nomination form and post in common areas or distribute to staff.

Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award

The Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award celebrates and rewards diversity efforts on The Ohio State University campus. Up to five recipients will be each receive a commemorative award and $1,200 cash award.

Award nominees may include campus organizations, academic units or teams, students, alumni, faculty or staff who have implemented policies, procedures, or programs to enhance diversity on the basis of any diversity qualities, such as color, race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran or military service status, gender identity, economic status, political belief, marital status or social background.

The nomination deadline is Friday, January 15, at 5 p.m. To nominate and individual or group, visit http://hr.osu.edu/special/ddea.

What you need to do:
The link to additional information: http://hr.osu.edu/special/ddea
Print the nomination form and post in common areas or distribute to staff.

BEWARE: Tax Information Phishing Schemes

We are seeing an increase of phishing emails offering users attachments, links or instructions for downloading their W-2 form. These are fraudulent emails designed to steal your identity and Social Security number.

Tips for spotting a scam:
1. Verify the sender’s address.
2. Verify your email address is in the “to” field.
3. Poor spelling and grammar are red flags.
4. The message should never ask you for personal information. You don’t have to provide your Social Security number to get your W-2.
5. Be careful of links! Hover over links to check that the address matches what the link says or simply type the address of the website you want to visit in your browser yourself.

Your authentic Ohio State W-2 form will be sent from Tax Form Management <noreply@mytaxform.com>. The subject line will be: IMPORTANT TAX RETURN DOCUMENT AVAILABLE starting on Friday, January 15.

If you receive a suspicious email, please report it by sending it to report-phish@osu.edu. If you have questions about your W-2, please follow up with the Payroll Department at (614) 292-2311 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.

For more information about phishing attacks, please visit https://ocio.osu.edu/itsecurity/buckeyesecure/phishing. Please also share this information with your team.

ServeOhio Volunteer Awards – Application Deadline January 29

ServeOhio is seeking nominations for outstanding people, groups, and initiatives who make great contributions to their local communities and the state through service and volunteerism. The ServeOhio Awards will recognize a volunteer, service group, corporate group, or volunteer initiative in each of the 5 regions of the state (NW, NE, SW, SE, and Central).

Nominators can choose to submit a nomination for an adult volunteer, youth volunteer, community volunteer group, corporate volunteer group, or national day of service project. A cash award of $1,000 will be issued to support the organization which benefited from the winner’s service. The awards will be presented during National Volunteer Week, April 10-16, 2016 at the organization which benefited from the winner’s service. The nomination deadline is January 29, 2016.

Nominate a volunteer today!

Registration is now open for the annual Summer Science Spectacular

Summer Science Spectacular, June 14-15, 2016 on the OARDC campus

The Ohio State University’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Summer Science Spectacular provides a professional development learning experience for elementary and secondary teachers, allowing them to experience world-class, cutting edge research conducted by scientists on the OSU Wooster campus. Educators are able to explore new ways to bring relevant, hands-on, standards driven science to their own classrooms. Each workshop re-energizes and provides educators with opportunities to share ideas with peers while they enhance their knowledge of science.

This program and its resources are designed to align with Ohio’s Learning Standards and the Next Generation Science Standard core progressions. In addition, educators can earn Continuing Education Unit hours through this program.

Additional information can be found at: http://u.osu.edu/oardcpr/