The College of Education and Human Ecology is pleased to present two sessions in its Methodology Leadership Series.
Multilevel Multiple Imputation with Dr. Craig Enders
Enders Seminar Flyer
Monday, Nov. 14
9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
EHE College Commons, Ramseyer Hall 260
Free and open to all OSU faculty, researchers, staff and students
Click here to register
Do you use surveys for your research? Do you often find items that participants skipped? Do those “N/A” responses frustrate you? What are you supposed to do about these holes in your data? Does it matter if your data is categorical or continuous? What about multilevel data?
Missing data are a pervasive research problem that cuts across a variety of substantive disciplines. For example, participants in a research study may refuse to answer specific survey items, or participants in a longitudinal trial may drop out prematurely. Applying unsophisticated analysis approaches (e.g., excluding cases with missing data) can bias estimates of associations among variables and reduce the sensitivity to detect treatment effects. Join Dr. Craig Enders, Professor of Psychology at UCLA, as he presents his innovative work on missing data imputation.
Using the National Longitudinal Survey – Youth (NLSY) with Elizabeth Cooksey and Rosella Gardecki
NLS Seminar Flyer
Thursday, November 17
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
EHE College Commons, Ramseyer Hall 260
Free and open to all OSU faculty, researchers, staff and students
Click here to register
Are you new to the National Longitudinal Studies (NLS)? Or have you used it before but are a little rusty?
This will be a great time to come and learn about some amazing longitudinal cohort studies! This workshop will provide an overview of the NLS, highlight some of the ways in which these data can be used for research across the life course, and offer a brief look at the variety of NLS studies that have been done on a wide range of topics by researchers from many different disciplines. Elizabeth Cooksey, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Human Resource Research (CHRR), and Rosella Gardecki, Research Specialist at the CHRR, will conclude with a step-by-step demonstration of how to access the NLS Investigator database and documentation, so that you get an introduction on how to search and download data relevant to your own research interests.