The 2019 PHA and verified biometric screening deadline is December 31, 2019. To help meet this deadline, CFAES HR is hosting a Biometric Screening Day Friday, November 22nd in the auditorium of the Agricultural Administration Building. Completion prior to the deadline will ensure enrolled individuals earn the monthly premium credit – which is increasing $5 per month beginning 2020! Spaces are limited, see details to sign up below:
A verified biometric screening can be completed in one of three ways:
1. On-Campus Screening Event
On November 22nd, the OSU Health Plan’s RN Health Promotion Specialist(s) will be in our department to complete complimentary biometric screenings*. These values will automatically load to your YP4H/Virgin Pulse account on the “Stats” page and you will receive credit for completing a 2019 verified biometric screening. See below for screening registration details.
2. OSU or Central Ohio Primary Care (COPC) Provider Visit
Your values obtained during an annual exam with an OSU or Central Ohio Primary Care (COPC) provider are received by the OSU Health Plan (OSUHP). Once all values are received (height, weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol, HDL and a blood sugar value: glucose or A1c), OSUHP will provide verification to Virgin Pulse that you have completed a biometric screening.
3. Non OSU or non COPC provider
If you see a provider outside of the OSU or COPC network, you may need to have your values submitted by your provider. Please have your provider complete and submit aProvider Fax Form to the OSU Health Plan to verify that you have completed a biometric screening with him or her.
Screening Registration Details:
If you would like to register for the upcoming biometric health screening event in our department, follow the steps below:
- Visit and click the “Schedule a Screening” button in the middle of the page.
- Log in with your Ohio State name.# and password.
- Highlight “Biometric Health Screening” and find the “appointment code” box.
- In the “Appointment Code” box type in AAB19 Do NOT copy and paste as this doesn’t always work to activate the code.
- Click “Find Appointments or Classes”- This will show only the appointments available for this screening event.
- Continue to schedule the appointment. If you experience any difficulty, please contact Customer Service at 292-4700 with your Appointment Code.
Once you obtain your required health values, complete the Personal Health & Well-being Assessment (PHA). The PHA is an online self-evaluation of your overall wellness and only takes about 15 minutes to complete. After completing the PHA, Virgin Pulse will offer specific programs to you and customize your YP4H experience based on your goals. Visit and log in to Virgin Pulse to complete your PHA.
By annually completing the PHA and a verified biometric screening, enrolled employees can reduce the cost of their medical contributions by $25 per month or by $40 per month if they and their enrolled spouse both complete the PHA with verified biometrics. Click here for more information about rewards.
Please remember that participating in Your Plan for Health (YP4H) is completely voluntary. We understand that your health history is very personal — protecting your information and keeping it private is of utmost importance to us. While participating in YP4H, the personal information that you provide, whether online or in person, is only available to you and those whom you authorize to access it. Beyond the team at the OSU Health Plan, your nurse, health coach, or your own PCP, no other Ohio State personnel will see or have access to your results.
When your Verified Biometric Screening has been processed, it will be reflected as complete in your “REWARDS” tab with a green checkmark and date. You need a complete PHA and verified biometric screening to earn Premium Credit.
When you see both green checkmarks you have earned your Premium Credit. Log in to Virgin Pulse and select “REWARDS” to view your status.
*If you believe all of your values have been obtained by your provider and it is not being reflected in your Virgin Pulse account, please contact the Ohio State Health Plan for assistance
**As a reminder, you are only eligible for one on campus screening per calendar year. If you are unsure of when your last screening took place, please log in to and click on the “Biometric Health Data” tab to view your history.
Kind Regards,
CFAES Human Resources