Puerto Rico: The Reality of “Paradise”

Puerto Rico: The Reality of “Paradise”
Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, 12-1 p.m.

Selby Hall (Plant Pathology) Room 203, Wooster
Or steam live at: https://osu-cfaes.zoom.us/j/6056911066
Or watch later via www.go.osu.edu/WoosterInternational

Cost: Free
Details:  Light lunch provided, space limited
Meal starts at noon.
Presentation starts at 12:15 p.m.

Rsvp at owens.1132@osu.edu by Tuesday, Oct. 30.

Marlia Bosques Martínez: B.S. in Crop Protection from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Pursuing a master’s degree in Plant Pathology at Ohio State under the guidance of Dr. Chris Taylor and Dr. Sally Miller. Her research focuses on studying root-knot nematode diversity, yield loss, and biocontrol management on tomatoes.

Noelymar González: B.S. in Agronomy from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Pursuing a master’s degree in Soil Science at Ohio State under the guidance of Dr. Steve Culman. Her research focuses on studying soil health in no-till soils.

Ana M. Vázquez Catoni:  B.S. in Biology and in Industrial Microbiology from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Pursuing a master’s degree in Plant Pathology at Ohio State under the guidance of Dr. Soledad Benitez. Her research focuses on studying microbial diversity in tomato seedlings.

Puerto Rico Cultural Connections

A talk in the series Cultural Connections: “Where Culture Meets Agriculture”

Contact information: Jason Owens, International Coordinator at the Wooster Campus owens.1132@osu.edu,  (605) 691-1066


Murder Mystery and Costume Ball

Saturday, Oct. 20, 2018
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Tickets are $40.00 per person
Includes dinner and show
Cash bar
Prizes for best costume

Employees must RSVP to the Shisler Conference Center at 330-263-5500 prior to the event.

Dinner Menu

Passed Upon Arrival
Mummy Meatball Slider
Deviled Egg Eyeballs

Plated Salad
Apple Cheddar Harvest Salad

Dinner Buffet
Pot Roast with Harvest Veggies
Apple Cornbread Stuffed Pork Loin
Garlic Gruyere Mashed Potatoes
Honey Glazed Green Beans

Dessert Platter
Oreo Bars
Lemon Bars

Mobility Week

Ohio State Mobility Week, Oct. 15-19, is an effort to educate, engage, and empower the campus community around the current options and future of mobility on campus and beyond. The week provides several opportunities to engage with mobility providers, educate yourself through panels, and experience electric vehicles from the driver’s seat.

Ohio State is the primary research partner of Smart Columbus, an initiative resulting from the city’s win of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge. Columbus received $50 million in grants to transform mobility in central Ohio. A team of representatives from Ohio State’s Corporate Engagement Office, Center for Automotive Research, Transportation and Traffic Management, Smart Campus student group and several community partners are involved in planning Mobility Week activities.

Click here to learn more about Mobility Week and the planned activities.

Bucks for Charity – Leadership Baby Photo Matching Game, Halloween Costume Social and Raffles, Oh My!

The 2018 Bucks for Charity Campaign is in full swing! Our college is making a big difference in our central Ohio community by making meaningful donations to local charities.  To date we have raised $9,552 with 6.33 percent participation. Our goal is $23,703.68 with 13 percent participation. With your help, we can reach our goal by Nov. 2!

Thank you to our latest raffle prize winners!

  •  Cheryl Buck, Extension Admin
  • Larry Heckendorn, SENR
  • Dennis Hull, FABE
  • Karen Mancl, FABE
  • Kathy Yoder, ATI

Choose from one or more of the nearly 250 local organizations that need our help, and make your pledge today!

You can get involved with Bucks for Charity and enter to win prizes through the following activities:

CFAES Leadership Picture Match Game
Make your ePledge donation and submit your matches to Brandi Gilbert-Hammett or Alan James by Oct. 22 to win one of 5 awesome prizes.

CFAES Leadership Baby Picture Match Game

CFAES Bucks for Charity Halloween Costume Social Hour
Join the CFAES Bucks for Charity Coordinators for an afternoon of Halloween Fun and Treats!  Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1:30 to 3 p.m., stop by the Agricultural Administration Building Auditorium for a fun Halloween Costume Party.  For a small suggested donation of $5, join us for an afternoon break filled with sweet treats and Halloween fun. Participants will be entered to win one of 10 great prizes. Wear your best (work appropriate) costume for an additional entry for raffle prizes.  More details to follow!

Go Bucks and Go Bucks for Charity!

AED Program and Installations Update

The CFAES Safety team has installed nine new Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in multiple locations on the Columbus campus, including Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory, and Molly Caren Agricultural Center.  The Wooster campus has successfully maintained an AED program for several years and this model was used to implement the additional AEDs.

The locations where the new AEDs were recently installed include:

  • Agricultural Administration Building – 1st floor by the auditorium
  • 4-H Building – 1st floor west wall by restrooms
  • Plumb Hall – 1st floor east wall center of building
  • Howlett Hall – 1st floor north wall center of building
  • Parker Food Science – 1st floor west wall by food court
  • Animal Science Building – 1st floor west wall center of building
  • Waterman Laboratory Headquarters – East wall center of building
  • Molly Caren Agricultural Center (London, Ohio) Headquarters Building – South wall break-room area
  • Molly Caren Agricultural Center (London, Ohio) Gwynn Conservation Cabin – North wall

Locations on the Columbus campus that already had an AED included:

  • Ag Engineering Building – (2 units) 1st and 2nd floors
  • Kottman Hall – 2nd floor by elevators
  • Ohio Turfgrass Facility – Main hallway

Kent McGuire, CFAES health and safety coordinator, will manage ongoing maintenance and upkeep for all AED units on the Columbus campus. In addition, personnel from CFAES Safety will coordinate trainings on the operation of the units for faculty and staff as needed. If you or members of your team would like more information:

  • Click here to view a tutorial video of the new Cardiac Science G3 AED units
  • Click here for additional information

If you have any questions about the CFAES AED program in Columbus, please contact either Seth Walker (walker.439@osu.edu) or Kent McGuire (mcguire.225@osu.edu).

University Email Service (UES) Access Changes for Employees Leaving Ohio State

Currently, employees who leave the university on good terms have emails forwarded to a designated email of their choosing for 60 days regardless of Lifetime Email Forward Service (LEFS) eligibility. Effective Nov. 7, 2018, employees leaving the university will immediately lose access to their University Email Service (UES) mailbox and will not have any email forwarding allowed for 60 days.

This change is inclusive of LEFS eligible users, including former employees. After the initial 60 days following separation, former LEFS eligible employees will be able to choose the option for LEFS; however, they will no longer be automatically changed. Exceptions will be if the department/college places a request with the Data Access team to not have a particular former employee receive this privilege for business reasons. All interaction with former employees will need to be made through their personal/home email address on record, accessible to HRPs. To note, it is important to verify the forwarding personal/home email address on record to confirm it is not an *@osu.edu or *@*.ohio-state.edu address.

For questions or assistance, please contact Derek Marquardt (marquardt.52@osu.edu), university email service manager, or Dee Lohmeyer (lohmeyer.3@osu.edu), identity management manager.

Lunch and Learn Session on Solstice Pods and Other Tools in Select Classrooms

Thursday, Oct. 18
Noon – 1 p.m.
ATI Classroom: Skou201
Solstice Pods and Other Tools in Select Classrooms
Presenters: Jared K. Phillips, Education Technology Specialist, CFAES Information Technology Services, OCIO and Valerie Childress, Instructional Design Specialist Ohio State ATI

Do you feel like you get tied down to the podium at the front of the classroom too much?  Would you like to have students use their mobile devices more on live class activities?  In this session we will demonstrate how to use the Solstice Pods, which are located in several ATI classrooms and some Columbus campus rooms.  These devices allow you and your students to share an iPad or laptop onto the large classroom monitors in the rooms.  We will also demonstrate how to use Apple TV in case you are in a classroom without Solstice Pod.  If you want to bring in a guest speaker remotely or connect in with online students live, we will also show you how to use Zoom and the distance ed capabilities that we now have in five Wooster classrooms.

This session will NOT be available via Zoom, as it is showcasing features of on-campus classrooms.

Upcoming Research-Focused Educational Opportunities

Appointing People on Sponsored Projects
Oct. 11, 2018, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Video-linked: Room 145, PAES Building (Columbus) – 130 Research Services (Wooster)
In this session by the Office of Research geared toward staff, learn about common types of faculty, graduate student, post doc, and staff appointments. Off-duty compensation, release time appointments, supplemental compensation, and salary capping are covered, as well as personnel-related compliance topics, such as time and effort reporting, key personnel, and cost sharing. Open to all faculty and staff. Register via BuckeyeLearn.
Sponsored by the Office for Research

Graduate Student Finance Workshops
Oct. 15, 16 and 18, 5:30-8:00 p.m.
126 Research Services (Wooster)
CFAES, BioHio Research Park, and OARDC Scholars invite you to our 2018 Finance Workshop: Financial Tips and Tools for Career Success. Learn the basics of finance and accounting needed to succeed in entrepreneurial ventures, write grants, and manage personal monies. This series will take place over three days: Monday, Oct. 15, Tuesday, Oct. 16, and Thursday, Oct. 18 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. in 126 Research Services (Wooster). This event is open to all CFAES graduate students and post-docs. Dinner will be provided. Please send questions and RSVP to Betty Aylsworth by Thursday, Oct. 11.

Introduction to the PI Portal
Oct. 16, 1-2 p.m., FABE 200 (Wooster)
Oct. 17, 10-11 a.m., Agricultural Administration Building 250A (Columbus)
This workshop will provide an overview of the new, redesigned PI Portal, demonstrate its enhanced features and address questions. In this session, you will learn tips on how to use the PI Portal system to manage financial aspects of a project, verify remaining balances, reconcile outstanding expenditures, monitor cost-share activity, and review commitments and personnel appointments. We will also review project deadlines, uploaded documents, invoices/payments, expenditure allocation, important alerts from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and how to use the Portal to close Purchase Orders. Open to all faculty, staff, and students. Register here.
Presenter: Angie LeMaster, CFAES Finance

Navigating the CFAES Research Enterprise
Oct. 31, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Video-linked: Parker Food Science and Technology Building 120 (Columbus) – Gerlaugh Hall 121 (Wooster)
Join us to learn the different responsibilities of the Primary Investigator, Grant Development Support Unit, and the Office of Sponsored Programs when working on sponsored project proposals and throughout the life of the project. Open to all faculty, staff, and students. Register here.
Presenters: Lori Kaser, Grants and Contracts Administrator and Traci Aquara, Senior Sponsored Program Officer

One Health Day Symposium

Registration is now open for the 2018 One Health Day Symposium.

The One Health Day Symposium brings together multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and internationally to address the spread of disease, promote health, and emphasize the connection among humans, animals, and the environment. Experts from Ohio State, health agencies, and universities abroad will share insight on One Health-related issues during the symposium to be held on Nov. 1-2 at the Drake Union Performance and Event Center on the campus of The Ohio State University. The symposium is being held in recognition of One Health Day, which will be celebrated on Nov. 3, 2018.

Click here for more details and registration information. Registration closes on Oct 22. Contact globalonehealth@osu.edu if you have any questions.

Agriculture and Policy Outlook Conference

Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
The Ohio State University
November 2, 2018
Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center

8:30 a.m. –  Registration

9:00 a.m. –  Welcome and Introductions: Tim Haab, Department Chair

9:30 a.m. –  Barry Ward, Director, OSU Extension Income Tax School: “Farm Input Outlook”

10:45 a.m. –  Ben Brown, Farm Management: “Commodity Outlook- South America Focus”

11:30 a.m. –  Ian Sheldon, Professor and Andersons Chair of Agricultural Marketing, Trade, and Policy: “Trade and Policy”

12:15 p.m. –  Lunch

1:00 p.m. –  Comments from Cathann Kress, Dean, and Gary Pierzynski, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies

1:15 p.m. –  Carl Zulauf, Professor Emeritus, Fred Yoder, Yoder Ag Services, and Kevin Elder, Producer: Agricultural Policy Panel

2:00 p.m. –  Chris Hurt, Professor, Purdue University, Agricultural Economics: “U.S. Livestock Outlook”

2:45 p.m. –  Ani Katchova, Farm Income Enhancement Program Chair: “Ohio Financial Conditions and Outlook”

3:30 p.m. –   Concluding Thoughts

Register for in-person or webinar attendance.

Once you register for the webinar, use this link to join: https://osu-cfaes.zoom.us/j/765922010

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16468769923,,765922010#  or +16699006833,,765922010#
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 765 922 010
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/ad7ussRUgg

Ohio State Advocates & Allies for Equity

To help create a more equitable environment and advance the professional interests of women faculty and staff, the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences is hosting the Ohio State Advocates & Allies for Equity initiative on Thursday, Dec. 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Ag Admin 211. Lunch will be provided. Men and men-identified individuals are invited to become an OSU Ally for Equity for CFAES.

Advocates & Allies is designed to bring men further into the gender equity equation by building a cross-campus network of Allies who share an understanding of the effects of implicit bias and systematic privilege and to introduce specific practical actions to help them better support women and people of all genders at the university.

Your facilitation will be led by two Advocates men (ACEL Chair Tracy Kitchel and SENR Director Jeff Sharp) from within Ohio State and CFAES, who already have a substantial record of supporting gender equity.  They will guide your group through structured inquiry, discussion, and reflection to expose participants to ways of better identifying and behaving as Allies. In addition, the Advocates will share evidence-based knowledge, skills, and strategies to effect positive personal, departmental, and institutional change.

To register, RSVP no later than Friday, Nov. 16. The reservations are limited to the first 25 men. Due to the nature of the facilitation, Zoom will NOT be an option.

We look forward to building an equitable and inclusive campus with you as an Ally. General Questions? Contact Sara Childers, assistant director for The Women’s Place, at childers.23@osu.edu.

Click here for more information on the Advocates & Allies program.

World Food Day – Oct. 16

Join Ohio State on Oct. 16, World Food Day, to raise awareness for food security challenges in our community, and utilizing the libraries as one of the resources that people can draw upon in seeking solutions.  World Food Day is an international effort coordinated by the United Nations to raise awareness about food and hunger issues.

CFAES Bucks for Charity – Every Buck Counts

Bucks for Charity is one way we can make our community stronger. Simply give to the organization of your choice – conveniently one-time or through payroll deduction. Choose a cause and local organization that’s important to you and, together, our donations will strengthen our community. When each of us gives a little, it adds up to be a lot – every Buck counts!

Thank you to those who have made pledges and continue to participate in the First 100 e-Pledge participant raffle.  We have raffled off 5 prizes to date.

Raffle winners Sara Fries and Greg Davis

Congratulations to our winners! CFAES contributions to date have totaled $7,762.

There are still 5 prizes to raffle off to the First 100 participants.  Click here to learn more and make a pledge today.

Go Bucks and Go Bucks for Charity!