Inclusive Excellence Training is a 1 hour session that was implemented by the University for faculty participating in Discovery Theme searches. As a result all units have been asked to provide this training for those who serve on search committees. Our college has determined that staff in addition to faculty should participate in this training. We realize that providing all faculty and staff with this training is no easy task. As a result, we are asking that at least one member of any search committee have the training. Participation is being recorded and submitted to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion who is maintaining a data base. CFAES is off to a great start. The college has 253 faculty and staff who have participated in the training. CFAES has 5 facilitators: Ryan Schmiesing, Terry Niblack, Dan Herms, Jeff LeJeune, and Kathy Lechman. If you are interested in having one of the facilitators present for your department or unit please contact Kathy Lechman.
Sessions have been ongoing since January and additional dates through June have been set. Most sessions are available to both Columbus and Wooster campuses via video link. Regional Directors have been encourage to work with Kathy Lechman to establish dates for regions, counties, or EERAs. To register go to the CFAES Equity and Inclusion page and view Upcoming Events. All of the dates are listed. You can also view the attached document that has the registration link included.
Thank you for your continued support,
Kathy Lechman, PhD
Director, Equity and Inclusion
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 247-7176 Office / (614) 292-5100 Fax