Reception for Ron Hendrick


 MONDAY, MAY 23, 2016







Important Message about Apple QuickTime

Apple has announced they have discontinued support for Apple QuickTime on Microsoft Windows which means they will no longer provide updates to patch vulnerabilities.  There are at least two new vulnerabilities impacting QuickTime for which there will be no patches made available.  The Department of Homeland Security‘s U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) and Apple are urging anyone who has QuickTime on a Microsoft Windows platform to remove the application immediately.

In most cases, QuickTime is not an important application and users won’t notice whether they have it or not. However, if there are mission-critical cases in your environment which require the use of QuickTime on Windows, please contact CFAES Information Security Officer Rob Clifford ( so we can explore alternatives or compensating controls to protect these systems and the business needs they serve.

Our Information Technology Services team has established a strategy to automatically remove QuickTime from the Windows platform on the Columbus and Wooster Campuses but manual intervention may be required at the distributed Extension and Outlying Agricultural Research Station sites. The removal of QuickTime on Windows is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, May 4, 2016 after classes and finals are over. In the meantime, IT Services staff will also be reaching out to some of you directly to discuss any concerns and remove QuickTime manually or refer you to Rob Clifford.

QuickTime Installations on Windows Throughout CFAES

Extension – 693

Columbus – 400

Wooster, ATI – 232

Wooster, OARDC – 50


Matt DeVore 
Chief Information Officer, CFAES
The Ohio State University
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Information Technology Services
203A Research Services, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691
330-202-3577 Office

Campus Campaign 2016 – Final Week!


This is the last week for Campus Campaign 2016 and we need 243 more participants to reach our goal by this Saturday, April 30th! Our current participation is 31% as a college.

Please help us push to the finish line!

If you’re having trouble finding a fund that connects to you, contact Greg DavisSteve Slack or Emily Jewell for help!

And don’t forget this year’s CFAES highlighted funds:


Campus Campaign Week 8


Award nominations for Campus Campaign 2016 are due April 22th. Categories include:

  • Ambassador Leadership
  • Ambassador
  • Outstanding Assistant
  • Andrew A. Sorensen Leadership Award
  • Special Recognition
  • Teamwork Awards

Please send inquiries or turn in submissions to Greg Davis, Steve Slack, or Emily Jewell.

This week’s featured units include:

Department of Horticulture and Crop Science

The Dr. Mark Bennett Memorial Scholarship Fund 482871

Horticulture and Crop Science Advancement Fund 303108

School of Environment and Natural Resources

School of Environment and Natural Resources Scholarship Fund 313978

The Barnebey Family Scholarship Fund 600329

There are only 2 weeks left of Campus Campaign 2016 and we need 266 more participants to reach our goal! Our current participation is 30% as a college.



Associate Dean Search Update

Earlier this year, the college embarked on a national search to fill the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education position.  By all accounts, there was tremendous interest in this position and great excitement within the college as evidenced by the nearly 60 nominations submitted by our faculty and staff.

After conversation with our executive search firm, the search committee has recommended that we pause the search for this position.  While we had hoped to fill this critical position in the near future, pausing the search during the leadership transitions of the college will allow for a more stable and clearer picture for everyone. I’m sure there will be discussion about the most appropriate path forward for this position once those transitions have taken place.

My sincere thanks to Terry Niblack and each member of the search committee for their hard work and thoughtful input.

In the very near future, we will share additional information about how we will continue to support research and graduate education in the college.

Kind Regards,


Ronald Hendrick, PhD

Acting Dean and VP for Agricultural Administration

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Ohio State University

100 Agricultural Administration Bldg.

2120 Fyffe Rd

Columbus, OH 43210


Invitation – Graduating Senior Luncheon

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Every year the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Alumni Society congratulates its graduating seniors prior to Spring Commencement at an annual Graduating Senior Luncheon. We look forward to this year’s event as students, faculty, and college administrators come together for a luncheon and short program.

This is also a time to wish the graduates well and to welcome them as alumni. The Graduating Senior Luncheon 2016 is planned for Friday, May 6, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Bob Evan’s Auditorium, located at Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.

Please accept this as a formal invitation and share it with your staff. Please RSVP to Susie Sheller (.1) by Friday, April 29, 2016.


 Pat R. Whittington, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Student Development
Director of Alumni, Honors, Career Services and Student Financial Aid
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
100 Agricultural Administration Building
2120 Fyffe Road Columbus, OH  43210
Phone – 614-247-6236

Campus Campaign Week 7 Update


We are in Week 7 of Campus Campaign 2016. We are currently at 28% participation as a college. We need 298 more participants to reach our goal!

This week’s featured units include:

Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics

Environment, Economy, Development & Sustainability (EEDS) Major Support Fund 314185

Havlicek Memorial Lecture Series in Applied Econometrics 603017

OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center

Ohio Bioproducts Innovation Center Research & Education Fund 313026

And don’t forget this year’s CFAES highlighted funds:

·         Students First, Students Now Scholarship Fund in FAES 313122

·         Welcome and Education Center at the Secrest Arboretum Fund 312597

·         Ohio 4-H Program Fund 310225

Our college contacts for Campus Campaign are ambassadors Greg Davis and Steve Slack and development liaison Emily Jewell.

Please help us connect the dots!


Maybe YOU can be that participant who helps us gain some momentum and pull ahead of our colleagues across campus!


eLearning Update – Important Contact Information

Hi, everyone-

A few quick items for this week’s DEEP thoughts.

1.  Here is a really great CamRelay demo recording Ken Kulka did for us, since he was not able to attend the recent webinar as planned due to a family emergency.  Don’t hesitate to contact him or I if you have further questions about using CamRelay to record videos/lectures.

2.  I’ve had a few faculty asking me questions about the Canvas migration.  One question was if this will effect Carmen Connect and any recordings there.  The answer is no, these are different systems.  CarmenConnect will continue as it is.  ODEE has done a fairly recent upgrade to Connect, so you can now save recordings as mp4 files, which can then be edited as you need.  It also seems the screwy bugs we kept running into are now fixed after they upgraded some server power last summer.

Another question I get is what training/support will there be in the move to Canvas.  If your courses are part of a program that ODEE helped develop, they will take care of the move.  ODEE will also be providing trainings to help all of us in moving any courses that are not part of such a program.  Talk with your CFAES eTeam rep for more details.  They can also get a Roadshow type of training scheduled for your department, where ODEE will come give you the training.  I am also researching our options for possibly providing CFAES assistance for the migration.  Stay in close contact with your eTeam rep as details unfold.  I will also provide updates in this newsletter venue.

3.  Our April CFAES eTeam meeting will be looking at marketing/communications aspects to help support our online courses/extension events and programs.  Let me or your rep know of any specific needs you have in this regard.

4.  One more thing I am researching with our CFAES teams is what LMS solution will best fit our needs for professional development and extension online courses.  We’re looking at options within OSU, eXtension and a collaboration called Unizin.  In CFAES we have a few teams ready to spin off online professional development modules from either live face-to-face extension workshops or from academic course materials.  I’ll also keep you posted on this as we move forward.

5.  Here is the current list of CFAES eTeam reps:

ACEL (Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership) –

Emily Buck, Associate Professor,

Graham Cochran, Associate Professor & Interim Chair,

Animal Sciences  –

Mike Chakerian, Senior Systems Manager,

ATI (Agricultural Technical Institute)–

Valerie Childress, Instructional Aids Associate,

Amy Kohmetscher, Instructional Development Spec,

CFAES Communications –

Suzanne Steel, Asst Dir, College Communication

CFAES Director of eLearning-

Deana Namuth-Covert, Professor,

CFAES Information Technology Services –

Chris Dicus, Digital Media Producer,

Ken Kulka, Instr Dev Spec,

Randy Nemitz, Senior Systems Manager,

Entomology –

Wendy Klooster, Academic Program Coordinator,

Extension –

Jamie Seger, Program Director,

Danae Wolfe, Prog Spec, Education Tech, Program Specialist

Food Science and Technology –

Steven Simmons, Laboratory Supervisor,

Alvarez Valente, Food Industry Center Director, (Steven & Alvarez just want meeting notes at this point and maybe join committee later)

Horticulture and Crop Sciences –

Bruce Ackley, Program Specialist,

Meredith Luikart, Program Assistant,

ODEE (ODEE Scholarship)-

Jacob Bane, Sr Instruct Dsg/Instr Development Specialist,

Plant Pathology –

Sarah Williams, Academic Program Specialist,

School of Environmental and Natural Resources –

Kylienne Clark, Instructional Aids Associate,

Tim Morton, SENR Systems Specialist,

AEDE (Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics) – TBD

FABE (Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering – TBD



Deana Namuth-Covert, PhD  

Professor, Director of Online Education and Outreach

The Ohio State University

Ohio State ATI and the College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

 Wooster, OH 44691

402-483-1338 Office 

Ohio State ATI Director Search Committee

Dear Ohio State ATI Colleagues,

As I have previously shared, we are moving forward with the search for the next Director of Ohio State ATI with hopes having an individual identified sometime late summer or early fall.  Charles Goebel, Assistant Director of the School of Environment and Natural Resources and Carol Anelli, Associate Chair, Department of Entomology have agreed to serve as co-chairs of the search committee.  Members of the committee are:

Jonathan Witter

Kim Hostetler

Kim Sayers

Terry Lanker

Doug Foxx

Rhonda Billman

Brian Lower

Jesisca Suagee Bedore

Dave Dietrich

Susie Whittington

Kathy Lechman, ex-officio

We have retained the services of Baker and Associates, LLC to serve as our executive search firm for this important position and I know they are excited to begin actively working to identify candidates. Ryan Schmiesing, Sr. Administrative Officer will be working with the committee co-chairs and Martin Baker to develop the process and timeframe of engaging the search committee so that they may begin their work.

As the formal search process gets underway, you will be asked and encouraged to identify potential candidates from your network of peers and colleagues.  I would encourage you to take the time now to begin thinking about who you might nominate once you have an opportunity to review the position profile that will be developed as part of this process.


Ronald Hendrick, PhD

Acting Dean and VP for Agricultural Administration

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Ohio State University

100 Agricultural Administration Bldg.

2120 Fyffe Rd

Columbus, OH 43210


Fullbright Program Opportunities

I would like to share with you some information about the 2017-2018 Fulbright Scholar competition.

The 2017-2018 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Core Competition is now open.

The Fulbright Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries for the 2017-2018 academic year. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others.  Interested faculty and professionals are encouraged to learn more about these opportunities, and hundreds of others, by visiting the Catalog of Awards.

The application deadline for most awards is August 1, 2016.  U.S. citizenship is required.

Grant Duration:

Grant lengths vary in duration; applicants can propose projects for a period of two to 12 months, as specified in the award description.  In addition, flexible options may be available.

Please view just some of the opportunities that are available in the upcoming competition in the field of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

In addition, please note that during the week of April 11-15, 2016, Ohio State will be holding the 7th Annual Fulbright Week, an initiative co-organized by the Office of International Affairs, the Graduate School, and the Undergraduate Fellowship Office.

As in the past, these three units have combined their efforts to provide a full week of events acknowledging past Fulbright and Fulbright-Hays recipients and hosting workshops, information sessions and open houses designed to inform potential Ohio State faculty, undergraduate and graduate student applicants about the opportunities available through the Fulbright and Fulbright-Hays programs. All faculty, professionals and students are welcome to participate in a myriad of activities that will be scheduled during the week of April 11-15, 2016. View a complete schedule of activities here.

Please share this information with students and faculty in your college and encourage them to contact me if they have any questions.

State of Academic Affairs Address

At the last University Senate meeting, Interim Provost McPheron delivered a State of Academic Affairs address.  If you’d like to hear his update, a video is available here (the address begins at minute 28):


Peggy Hall, University Senate

Peggy Kirk Hall
Asst. Professor and Field Specialist, Agricultural & Resource Law
College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Department of Extension
937.644.8117 Office

Ohio State ATI Interim Director – Thom Janini

I’m pleased to announce that Dr. Thom Janini has agreed to serve as interim director of Ohio State ATI, effective August 1. Thom received very broad support during the nomination process, and I’m grateful for his willingness to provide leadership while we undertake the search for the next director.

Please join me in congratulating Thom on his appointment.


Ronald Hendrick, PhD

Acting Dean and VP for Agricultural Administration

College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

The Ohio State University

100 Agricultural Administration Bldg.

2120 Fyffe Rd

Columbus, OH 43210
