Ken Lee, PhD

Department of Food Science & Technology

Food Innovation Center

215 Parker Food Science and Technology Building
Ken Lee’s professional webpage

Professor Ken Lee is the Director of the Food Innovation Center (FIC) at Ohio State. The FIC specializes in innovative ways to improve the human condition by way of food.

Lee is a respected leader in the field of food science with 16 years experience as an academic department chair. He served on the Board of Directors and chaired several initiatives of the food science professional society, the Institute of Food Technologists. In 2007, IFT awarded him the Carl Fellers award for bringing distinction to the profession of food science. In addition, OSU selected Dr. Lee as a professional media contact, providing expertise on food safety for Fox News, CBS News This Morning, and ABC News.

As past-president of the Food Update Foundation, Dr. Lee provides leadership in food industry issues. Federal appointments include the FDA’s Food Advisory Committee, subcommittee on food toxicants and contaminants, and prior service to the NAS-NRC Doctoral Review Planning Committee. Dr. Lee has experience in leadership of a tripartite, industry-government-academic alliance through presidency of the Food Update Foundation. He helps advance food safety training as the PI of an Ohio Board of Regents award providing doctoral stipends for “Solving Critical Food Safety Needs.” He has published over 45 papers on nutrient inhibitors and food toxicants.

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