The Department of Molecular Genetics was formed in 1987. Research in the Department of Molecular Genetics is focused on important, fundamental problems in genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, and developmental biology which are being studied in a variety of eukaryotic model systems. These include plant and animal viruses, fungi, plants, worms, insects, amphibia, mice and humans. In spite of the diversity of model systems, all laboratories use similar genetic and biochemical approaches in their investigations, facilitating communication and collaboration between laboratories regardless of the organism being investigated.
All faculty in the department have active research programs and participate in educating graduate students in the classroom as well as in the research laboratory. The faculty have a strong record of funding from national agencies, publish papers in top journals in the field, and are invited to present their research at national and international meetings. The strength and reputation of the our research programs have translated into a strong graduate program. The department also has a strong undergraduate program that provides excellent preparation for graduate or professional education or for careers in modern biology.
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