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Kristin Roberts, Elizabeth M. Grainger, Jennifer M. Thomas-Ahner, Alice Hinton, Junnan Gu, Ken Riedl, Yael Vodovotz, Ronney Abaza, Steven J. Schwartz, and Steven K. Clinton (2020). Dose‐dependent Increases in Ellagitannin Metabolites as Biomarkers of Intake in Humans Consuming Standardized Black Raspberry Food Products Designed for Clinical Trials. Nutrition & Food Research, 64 (10).
Aschoff JK, Riedl KM, Cooperstone JL, Högel J, Bosy-Westphal A, Schwartz SJ, Carle R, Schweiggert RM. 2016. Urinary excretion of citrus flavanones and their major catabolites after consumption of fresh oranges and pasteurized orange juice – a randomized cross-over study. Mol Nutr Food Res. Epub ahead of print.
Mah E, Sapper TN, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML, Schill KE, Clinton SK, Bobe G, Traber MG, Bruno RS. 2015. Α-Tocopherol Bioavailability Is Lower in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome regardless of Dairy Fat Co-Ingestion: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 102(5):1070-80.
Kopec RE, Schick J, Tober KL, Riedl KM, Francis DM, Young GS, Schwartz SJ, Oberyszyn TM. 2015. Sex Differences in Skin Carotenoid Deposition and Acute UVB-Induced Skin Damage in SKH-1 Hairless Mice after Consumption of Tangerine Tomatoes. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59(12):2491-501.
Victoria-Campos CI, Ornelas-Paz J, Ramos-Aguilar OP, Failla ML, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Ibarra-Junquera V, Pérez-Martínez JD. 2015. The effect of ripening, heat processing and frozen storage on the in vitro bioaccessibility of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin from Jalapeño peppers in absence and presence of two dietary fat types. Food Chem. 181:325-32.
Kamonpatana K, Failla ML, Kumar PS, Giusti MM. 2014. Anthocyanin structure determines susceptibility to microbial degradation and bioavailability to the buccal mucosa. J Agric Food Chem. 62(29):6903-10.
Berni P, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Canniatti-Brazaca SG, De Moura FF, Failla ML. 2014. Impact of genotype and cooking style on the content, retention, and bioacessibility of beta-carotene in biofortified cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) conventionally bred in Brazil. J Agric Food Chem. 62(28): 6677–86.
Failla ML, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Aoki F. 2014. Increased bioavailability of ubiquinol compared to ubiquinone is due to more efficient micellarization during digestion and greater GSH-dependent uptake and basolateral secretion by Caco-2 cells. J Agric Food Chem. 62(29): 7174–82.
Failla ML, Chitchumronchokchai C, Ferruzzi MG, Goltz SR, Campbell WW. 2014. Unsaturated fatty acids promote bioaccessibility and basolateral secretion of carotenoids and α-tocopherol by Caco-2 cells. Food Funct. 5:1101–12.
Moran NE, Clinton SK, Erdman JW. 2013. Differential bioavailability, clearance, and tissue distribution of the acyclic tomato carotenoids, lycopene and phytoene, in Mongolian gerbils. J Nutr. 143(12):1920-6.
Moran NE, Erdman JW Jr, Clinton SK. 2013. Complex interactions between dietary and genetic factors impact lycopene metabolism and distribution. Arch Biochem Biophys. 539(2):171-80.
Bohn T, Blackwood M, Francis D, Tian Q, Schwartz SJ, Clinton SK. 2013. Bioavailability of phytochemical constituents from a novel soy fortified lycopene rich tomato juice developed for targeted cancer prevention trials. Nutr Cancer. 65(6):919-29.
Serventi L, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Riedl KM, Kerem Z, Berhow MA, Vodovotz Y, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. 2013. Saponins from soy and chickpea: Stability during breadmaking and in vitro bioaccessibility. J Agric Food Chem. 61(27):6703-6710.
Guo Y, Mah E, Davis CG, Jalili T, Ferruzzi MG, Chun OK, Bruno RS. 2013. Dietary fat increases quercetin bioavailability in overweight adults. Mol Nutr Food Res. 57(5):896–905.
Gutierrez-Orozco F, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Lesinski GB, Suksamrarn S, Failla ML. 2013. α-Mangostin: Anti-inflammatory activity and metabolism by human cells. J Agric Food Chem. 61(16):3891-3900.
Simmons AL, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Vodovotz Y, Failla ML. 2012. Isoflavone retention during processing, bioaccessibility and transport by Caco-2 cells: Effects of source and amount of fat in a soy soft pretzel. J Agric Food Chem. 60(49):12196-12203.
Goltz SR, Campbell WW, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML, Ferruzzi MG. 2012. Meal triacylglycerol profile modulates postprandial absorption of carotenoids in humans. Mol Nutr Food Res. 56(6):866-877.
Failla ML, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Siritunga D, De Moura FF, Fregene M, Manary MJ, Sayre RT. 2012. Retention during processing and bioaccessibility of beta-carotene in high beta-carotene transgenic cassava root. J Agric Food Chem. 60(15):3861-3866.
Kamonpatana K, Giusti MM, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Moreno Cruz M, Riedl KM, Kumar P, Failla ML. 2012. Susceptibility of anthocyanins to ex vivo degradation in human saliva. Food Chem. 135(2):738-747.
Chitchumroonchokchai C, Riedl KM, Suksumrarn S, Clinton SK, Kinghorn AD, Failla ML. 2012. Xanthones in mangosteen juice are absorbed and partially conjugated by healthy adults. J Nutr. 142(4):675-680.
Fleshman MK, Lester GE, Riedl KM, Kopec RE, Narayanasamy S, Curley RW, Jr., Schwartz SJ, Harrison EH. 2011. Carotene and novel apocarotenoid concentrations in orange-fleshed Cucumis melo melons: Determinations of beta-carotene bioaccessibility and bioavailability. J Agric Food Chem. 59(9):4448-4454.
Clarke JD, Hsu A, Riedl K, Bella D, Schwartz SJ, Stevens JF, Ho E. 2011. Bioavailability and inter-conversion of sulforaphane and erucin in human subjects consuming broccoli sprouts or broccoli supplement in a cross-over study design. Pharmacol Res. 64(5):456-463.
Polar-Cabrera K, Huo TY, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. 2010. Digestive stability and transport of norbixin, a 24-carbon carotenoid, across monolayers of Caco-2 cells. J Agric Food Chem. 58(9):5789-5794.
Failla ML, Thakkar SK, Kim JY. 2009. In Vitro bioaccessibility of beta-Carotene in Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas, Lam.). J Agric Food Chem. 57(22):10922-10927.
Walsh KR, Failla ML. 2009. Transport and metabolism of equol by Caco-2 human intestinal cells. J Agric Food Chem. 57(18):8297-8302.
Bumrungpert A, Kalpravidh RW, Suksamrarn S, Chaivisuthangkura A, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML. 2009. Bioaccessibility, biotransformation, and transport of alpha-mangostin from Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen) using simulated digestion and Caco-2 human intestinal cells. Mol Nutr Food Res. 53 Suppl 1:S54-61.
He J, Wallace TC, Keatley KE, Failla ML, Giusti MM. 2009. Stability of black raspberry anthocyanins in the digestive tract lumen and transport efficiency into gastric and small intestinal tissues in the rat. J Agric Food Chem. 57(8):3141-3148.
Thakkar SK, Huo TY, Maziya-Dixon B, Failla ML. 2009. Impact of style of processing on retention and bioaccessibility of beta-carotene in cassava (Manihot esculanta, Crantz). J Agric Food Chem. 57(4):1344-1348.
Walsh KR, Haak SJ, Fastinger ND, Bohn T, Tian QG, Mahan DC, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. 2009. Gastrointestinal absorption and metabolism of soy isoflavonoids in ileall-canulated swine. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 53(2):277-286.
Mills JP, Tumuhimbise GA, Jamil KM, Thakkar SK, Failla ML, Tanumihardjo SA. Sweet potato beta-carotene bioefficacy is enhanced by dietary fat and not reduced by soluble fiber intake in Mongolian gerbils. J Nutr. 2009;139(1):44-50
Thakkar SK, Failla ML. Bioaccessibility of Pro-Vitamin A Carotenoids Is Minimally Affected by Non Pro-Vitamin A Xanthophylls in Maize (Zea mays sp.). J Agric Food Chem. 2008;56(23):11441-11446.
Failla ML, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Ishida B. In vitro micellarization and intestinal cell uptake of cis isomers of lycopene exceed those of all-trans lycopene. J Nutr 2008 Mar;138(3):482-6.
Failla ML, Huo T, Thakkar SK. In vitro screening of relative bioaccessibility of carotenoids from foods. Asian Pacific J Clin Nutr 2008;17(S1):200-3.
Ornelas-Paz JD, Failla ML, Yahia EM, Gardea-Bejar A. Impact of the stage of ripening and dietary fat on in vitro bioaccessibility of beta-carotene in ‘Ataulfo’ mango. J Agric Food Chem 2008 Feb;56(4):1511-6.
During A, Harrison EH. Mechanisms of provitamin A (carotenoid) and vitamin A (retinol) transport into and out of intestinal Caco-2 cells. J Lipid Res 2007 Oct;48(10):2283-94.
Huo T, Ferruzzi MG, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. Impact of fatty acyl composition and quantity of triglycerides on bioaccessibility of dietary carotenoids. J Agric Food Chem 2007 Oct;55(22):8950-7.
Thakkar SK, Maziya-Dixon B, Dixon AG, Failla ML. Beta-carotene micellarization during in vitro digestion and uptake by Caco-2 cells is directly proportional to beta-carotene content in different genotypes of cassava. J Nutr 2007 Oct;137(10):2229-33.
During A, Harrison EH. Retinol secretion at the basolateral side of Caco-2 cells is saturable: possible ABCA1 implication [Abstract]. In: Annals Nutr Metabol, Basel, Switzerland: Karger, Allschwilerstrasse; 2007. p. 211-2.
During A, Harrison EH. Retinol uptake and secretion in Caco-2 cells: possible role of ABCA1 [Abstract]. In: Annals Nutr Metabol, Basel, Switzerland: Karger, Allschwilerstrasse; 2007. p. 212.
Unlu NZ, Bohn T, Francis DM, Nagaraja HN, Clinton SK, Schwartz SJ. Lycopene from heat-induced cis-isomer-rich tomato sauce is more bioavailable than from all-trans-rich tomato sauce in human subjects. Br J Nutr 2007 Jul;98(1):140-6.
Huo T, Ferruzzi M, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. Impact of trigacylglyceride structure on micellarization and intestinal cell uptake of dietary carotenoids [Abstract]. In: IFT Annual Mtg Tech Program; Jul; Chicago, IL: Institute of Food Technologists; 2007. p. 010-14.
Thakkar SK, Failla ML. In vitro screening of β-carotene bioavailability from cassava genotypes using the coupled digestion/CaCo-2 cell model [Abstract]. In: IFT Annual Mtg Tech Program; Jul; Chicago, IL: Institute of Food Technologists; 2007. p. 146-36.
Pullakhandam R, Failla ML. Micellarization and intestinal cell uptake of b-carotene and lutein from drumstick (Moringa oleifera) leaves. J Medicinal Foods 2007 Jun;10(2):252-7.
Huo T, Ferruzzi MG, Belury MA, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. Impact of amount and triglyceride (TG) structure on micellarization of dietary carotenoids during simulated digestion [Abstract]. In: FASEB J; Apr; Bethesda, MD: Federation Amer Soc Exp Biol; 2007. p. A730-1.
Kohut AR, Failla ML, Watkins BA, Ferruzzi MG. The impact of lipid quantity and type of carotenoid bioaccessibility from vegetables [Abstract]. In: FASEB J; Apr; Bethesda, MD: Federation Amer Soc Exp Biol; 2007. p. A350.
Neilson AP, Hopf A, Cooper BR, Bomser JA, Ferruzzi MG. Catechin degradation and concurrent formation of homo- and hetero-catechin dimers during simluated digestion [Abstract]. In: FASEB J; Apr; Bethesda, MD: Federation Amer Soc Exp Biol; 2007. p. A110.
Walsh KR, Haak SJ, Bohn T, Tian Q, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. Isoflavonoid glucosides are deconjugated and absorbed in the small intestine of human subjects with ileostomies. Am J Clin Nutr 2007 Apr;85(4):1050-6.
Bhagavan HN, Chopra RK, Craft NE, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML. Assessment of coenzyme Q10 absorption using an in vitro digestion-Caco-2 cell model. Int J Pharm 2007 Mar;333(1-2):112-7.
Unlu NZ, Bohn T, Francis DM, Clinton SK, Schwartz SJ. Carotenoid absorption in humans consuming tomato sauces obtained from tangerine or high-beta-carotene varieties of tomatoes. J Agric Food Chem 2007 Feb;55(4):1597-603.
Bohn T, Tian Q, Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML, Schwartz SJ, Cotter R, Waksman JA. Supplementation of test meals with fat-free phytosterol products can reduce cholesterol micellarization during simulated digestion and cholesterol accumulation by Caco-2 cells. J Agric Food Chem 2007 Jan;55(2):267-72.
Barret KE, Ghishan FK, Merchant JL, Said HM, Wood JD, Johnson LR, editors. Physiology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Fourth ed. Academic Press; 2006. During A, Harrison EH. Digestion and intestinal absorption of dietary carotenoids and vitamin A.
Ferruzzi MG, Lumpkin JL, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. Digestive stability, micellarization, and uptake of beta-carotene isomers by Caco-2 human intestinal cells. J Agric Food Chem 2006 Apr;54(7):2780-5.
He J, Magnuson BA, Lala G, Tian Q, Schwartz SJ, Giusti MM. Intact anthocyanins and metabolites in rat urine and plasma after 3 months of anthocyanin supplementation. Nutr Cancer 2006 Apr;54(1):3-12.
Chitchumroonchokchai C, Failla ML. Hydrolysis of zeaxanthin esters by carboxyl ester lipase during digestion facilitates micellarization and uptake of the xanthophyll by Caco-2 human intestinal cells. J Nutr 2006 Mar;136(3):588-94.
Tian Q, Giusti MM, Stoner GD, Schwartz SJ. Urinary excretion of black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) anthocyanins and their metabolites. J Agric Food Chem 2006 Feb;54(4):1467-72.
Failla ML. Coupled in vitro digestion/Caco2 intestinal cell model for screening the relative bioavailability of carotenoids from foods and supplements. Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Nutraceuticals and Food Safety for Well-being Life; YongPyong, Korea. 2005. p. 14-22.
Failla ML, Chitchumroonchokchai C. In vitro models as tools for screening the relative bioavailabilities of provitamin A carotenoids in foods [Internet]. Washington DC: HarvestPlus; 2005. 36 p. HarvestPlus Technical Monograph Series #3. Available from:
Schwartz SJ. How can the metabolomic response to lycopene (exposures, durations, intracellular concentrations) in humans be adequately evaluated? J Nutr 2005;135(8):2040S-1S.
Schwartz SJ. Absorption and bioavailability of carotenoids [Meeting Abstract]. Papers of the Amer Chem Society 230; Washington, DC. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society; 2005. p. U63-4.
Unlu NZ, Bohn T, Clinton SK, Schwartz SJ. Carotenoid absorption from salad and salsa by humans is enhanced by the addition of avocado or avocado oil. J Nutr 2005;135(3):431-6.
Walsh KR, Haak SJ, Bohn T, Fastinger ND, Tian Q, Mahan D, Schwartz SJ, Failla ML. Roles of the small and large intestines in the absorption and metabolism of soy isoflavonoids [Abstract]. In: FASEB J; Mar; Bethesda, MD: Federation Amer Soc Exp Biol; 2005. p. A415.