Research Publications
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Kamotani S, Hooker N, Smith S, Lee K. 2010. Consumer Acceptance of Ozone-Treated Whole Shell Eggs. Journal of Food Science. 75(2):S103-S107.
Li J, Hooker NH. 2010. Childhood Obesity and Schools: Evidence From the National Survey of Children’s Health. Journal of School Health. 80(2):96-103.
Hooker NH, Shanahan CJ, Rake V, Francis E, Popovich C, Dehoney J. 2009. A Technology-Enhanced Teaching Tool: Tracking Student Adoption and Performance. Review of Agricultural Economics. 31(4):963-983.
Sporleder TL, Hooker NH, Shanahan CJ, Bröring S. Innovation in food products: First-mover strategy and entropy metrics. IFAMR 2008 Sep;11(3):49-65.
Shanahan CJ, Hooker NH, Sporleder T. The diffusion of organic food products: toward a theory of adoption. Agribusiness 2008 Aug;24(3):369-87.
Wilson RS, Tucker MA, Hooker NH, LeJeune JT, Doohan D. Perceptions and beliefs about weed management: Perspectives of Ohio grain and produce farmers. Weed Tech 2008 Apr-Jun;22(2):339-50.
Hooker NH, Teratanavat R. Dissecting qualified health claims: Evidence from experimental studies. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2008 Feb;48(2):160-76.
Batte MT, Hooker NH, Haab T, Beaverson J. Putting their money where their mouth is: customer willingness to pay for multi-ingredient, processed organic food products. Food Policy 2007 Apr;32(2):145-59.
Cho BH, Hooker NH. Voluntary vs. mandatory approaches to food safety: considering heterogeneous firms. Foodborne Pathog Dis 2007 Jan;4(4):505-15.
Ernst S, Hooker NH, Stoel L, Sanders DJ, Kalb M. Information technology use by small-scale grocers [abstract]. In: J Food Distribution Res; Mar; 2007. p. 206.
Teratanavat R, Hooker NH. Consumer valuations and preference heterogeneity for a novel functional food. J Food Sci 2006;71(7):S533-41.
Fouayzi H, Caswell JA, Hooker NH. Motivations of fresh-cut produce firms to implement quality management systems. Rev Agric Econ 2006;28(1):132-46.