How you can help slow down waterhemp

An agricultural weed called waterhemp is “spreading at alarming rates” in western Ohio, says Jeff Stachler, an educator with CFAES’s OSU Extension outreach arm. On July 25, he’ll share ways to slow down or stop that spread at Manure Science Review. One of the event’s co-hosts is CFAES.

Waterhemp, a cousin of Palmer amaranth, has become increasingly resistant to weed-killing herbicides.

When you break it down, it’s really a very positive thing

Manure Science Review, co-organized by CFAES, is set for July 25 in Forest in northwest Ohio. Its full day of talks and demos will showcase ways to put manure to good use — helping food production, soil health and a farmer’s bottom line, while also protecting water quality. Find details, including a link to register. (You’ll save $5 if you sign up by July 16.)

No waste left behind; or, big doings soon in London

Holstein cowsThe 2016 North American Manure Expo is about to land in Ohio. The big event, covering the serious business of using livestock leavings to help grow crops, while doing it safely and greenly, is Aug. 3-4 at CFAES’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, about 25 miles west of Columbus. Read the story…

Steps in the right direction

Better manure application, cleaner waterGlen Arnold (not him pictured, nor his boots), co-organizer of Aug. 12’s Manure Science Review and a specialist with CFAES’s outreach arm, OSU Extension: “Every positive step we take in properly applying manure is a positive step in the direction of better water quality.” Get details on attending the event. (Photo: Fuse.)

Registration open for course on large-scale composting

Compost course coming in MarchKeep organic material such as yard waste, food waste and manure out of landfills. Compost it instead. So says CFAES scientist Fred Michel, who is co-organizer of a course next month on doing just that — big time. Read the story. Course details and registration form here (PDF). (Photo: iStock.)