America’s forests as climate solutions

In America’s fight to reduce carbon emissions, expanding and better managing the nation’s forests would be the cheapest and easiest steps to take.

That’s according to new research by CFAES’ Brent Sohngen, who is slated as one of eight speakers—from academia, government agencies, advocacy groups, and multiple states—in a free public webinar titled “The Economics of U.S. Forests as a Natural Climate Solution.”

Set for April 29, noon to 2 p.m., the webinar is a joint program by CFAES, North Carolina State University, the University of Maine, the University of Idaho, and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations.

Read more about the webinar and Sohngen’s research.

Register for the webinar. (Photo: Getty Images.)

Coming up: A day in the (fall) woods

The series called A Day in the Woods continues with “Woodland and Wildlife Research” on Oct. 11.

The event will feature research underway in southeast Ohio’s Vinton Furnace State Forest near McArthur, including on subjects such as blue jays, rattlesnakes, and sustaining oak-hickory forests.

Just as important, the flier says, you can also just “enjoy the fall woods.”

CFAES’ OSU Extension outreach arm is one of the series sponsors.

Find full details.

Let’s celebrate Ohio’s trees, while staying alert to these threats to them (especially 2 new diseases)

A workshop offered on May 23 is meant to grow your love of trees — and also to try to protect them.

Continue reading Let’s celebrate Ohio’s trees, while staying alert to these threats to them (especially 2 new diseases)