‘Many of our campers have gone on to careers in natural resources’

Put 100 teenagers in the woods for a week, in a place with spotty cellphone service, and you’d think they’d be bored.

But teach them about the nature there, allow time for fishing and swimming, offer the occasional climb up a 10-story oak tree, and “the kids really seem to love it,” said CFAES’s Marne Titchenell, co-director of the Ohio Forestry Association’s 66th annual Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp.

Continue reading ‘Many of our campers have gone on to careers in natural resources’

Top 5 moments from EPN’s events: ‘None pooped on stage, either’

Five years ago, David Hanselmann helped launch the Environmental Professionals Network, a statewide professional group based in CFAES’s School of Environment and Natural Resources.

Since then, EPN has grown to have nearly 2,000 members. It’s held 55 public monthly Breakfast Club programs, which typically draw more than 125 people, and five signature events, whose top attendance has been 1,400.

Hanselmann, who coordinates EPN as a lecturer in SENR, shares his top five moments from those events …

Watch: ‘Experience you really can’t get in the classroom’

Ohio State’s Stone Lab on western Lake Erie, CFAES student Adam Cupito says in the video above, is a “great place to see evolution in action.” It holds college-credit summer courses in the biological and environmental sciences. All of them emphasize hands-on, feet-wet, in-depth study in the field — especially in the lake and on its islands. Check out the list of courses.

CFAES prof wins APLU teaching award

Brian Lower award 2Congratulations to CFAES’s Brian Lower, School of Environment and Natural Resources, on winning the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities’ 2016 Excellence in College and University Teaching Award for Food and Agricultural Sciences. Among other things, he teaches the school’s popular Introduction to Environmental Science course, chairs the annual Environmental Science Student Symposium and helped his students create the new Environmental ScienceBites e-book. Pictured from left are Ohio State Provost Bruce McPheron, CFAES Associate Dean Linda Martin, Lower, and APLU’s Susan Sumner and Ian Maw. Read more.

Register for Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute

Registration is open for CFAES’s 2016 Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute. The program is for environmental, natural resource and sustainability professionals and volunteers who lead or aspire to lead collaborative processes to achieve more sustainable organizations, businesses and communities.

This year’s program, says co-organizer Joe Bonnell of CFAES’s School of Environment and Natural Resources, will focus on “sustainable infrastructure as a topic area, but, as always, the purpose of the program is to build capacity in Ohio to engage in constructive dialogue and build collaborative partnerships across sectors and disciplines to address complex environmental and natural resource issues.”

Get details and register here.

‘Nature as a necessity’

Laura Arenschield reports on M. Sanjayan’s talk at Ohio State last night in today’s Columbus Dispatch. She quotes, among others, CFAES student Emma Grace Matcham: “Dr. Sanjayan calls on each of us to see nature not as a luxury, but as a necessity.” Matcham is a forestry, fisheries and wildlife major in CFAES’s School of Environment and Natural Resources. Details about that major are here.