Coming up: A day in the (fall) woods

The series called A Day in the Woods continues with “Woodland and Wildlife Research” on Oct. 11.

The event will feature research underway in southeast Ohio’s Vinton Furnace State Forest near McArthur, including on subjects such as blue jays, rattlesnakes, and sustaining oak-hickory forests.

Just as important, the flier says, you can also just “enjoy the fall woods.”

CFAES’ OSU Extension outreach arm is one of the series sponsors.

Find full details.

One humdinger of a bird walk

On Saturday, Aug. 10, CFAES’ Secrest Arboretum in Wooster is holding a free public bird walk. You can see and learn to identify birds, such as the ruby-throated hummingbird shown here. And you can also see what the birds have to say about the arboretum’s plants and ecosystems. “One of the most useful things that birds can indicate,” an webpage called “Birds as Environmental Indicators” says, “is overall habitat quality.” (Photo: Getty Images.)

All about that bass (and its friends)

What fish live in Lake Erie? Find out at “Walleye, Perch, and Bass, Oh My!” (which are three good clues right there), the next Ohio Sea Grant science talk at Lakeside Chautauqua on the Marblehead peninsula. You’ll meet some finny friends and then will hear about what concerns them. It’s from 2–3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 16.

Admission to the talk is free but requires paid admission to Lakeside and a parking pass.

Find out more. (Photo: Smallmouth bass, Eric Engbretson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.)

Where it winters, why that matters

The prothonotary warbler, which in summer breeds in eastern and central North America, including Ohio, spends winter in just one country in South America. So says a new study led by Christopher Tonra, assistant professor in CFAES’ School of Environment and Natural Resources. The finding, Tonra said, “speaks to how important habitat protection in this one country is to the (birds’) overall population.” Read the story. (Photo: Male prothonotary warbler, Getty Images.)