Funniest fruit I ever heard

Want to learn more about pawpaw trees, and about producing and marketing their tropical-tasting fruit? Here’s a chance to get your paws—er, feet—wet.

Pawpaws from seed to pulp

On Friday, Feb. 14, from 10:30 to noon, Sarah Francino, a doctoral student in CFAES’s School of Environment and Natural Resources, and Ron Powell of southern Ohio’s Fox Paw Ridge Farm will give a workshop called “Pawpaw Trees from Seed to Pulp: An Introduction to Cultivation” at the annual conference of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA).

The pawpaw tree is native to Ohio, and its fruit is an “up and coming orchard crop which is uniquely suited to the Midwest,” the workshop description says. Francino and Powell will discuss their experiences growing pawpaws, as well as on-farm and CFAES research to make pawpaws even better.

The pawpaw workshop is one of nine workshops involving CFAES experts, and one of nearly 80 workshops in all, that you can attend at the OEFFA conference, which runs from Feb. 13–15 in Dayton.

Registration costs for the OEFFA conference vary. Find out more.

Read the CFAES story, “The native tree you haven’t heard of.”

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