NASA STEM Kids Virtual Event – Mars Exploration


NASA Glenn Research Center is reaching out to administrators, educators, libraries, youth-serving organizations, parents, and students to inform you of an exciting opportunity for Kindergarten through fourth grade students to explore NASA and STEM careers – Mars Exploration!


We are currently accepting registrations for NASA STEM Kids Virtual Event- Mars Exploration, that will be held on March 19. Click here to register. Mars Exploration is designed to inspire students interest in STEM fields. The virtual event features Mars exploration, conversations with NASA experts, a hands-on STEM activity, and a tour of a NASA Glenn facility. (Flyer attached)


Please help us to circulate the attached flyer to students or groups who may be interested in participating in Mars Exploration.


Information about this event and other inspiring educational opportunities are available on the NASA Glenn’s STEM Engagement web page.


If you have any questions please contact us at:


We hope to see your students at the NASA STEM Kids Virtual Event: Mars Exploration!

Toy Donations – Steakmakers

Last fall, Steakmaker Cloverbud Emerson Kisamore and his mom Stacy gave a presentation to the club about Akron Children’s Hospital. Emerson told about his stays in the hospital and how the doctors, nurses and staff kept his spirits up.

He told about how people donated stuffed animals, toys, games, books, gift cards etc. to help the patients pass their time in the hospital. Emerson passed out a flyer that said what kind of things the hospital was looking for. The club decided to do a community service project and collect items for the patients. Here is Emerson with all the donations right before he and his mom delivered them to Akron Children’s Hospital.


Great job to everyone for helping to spread a little cheer!

Market Poultry Ordering Information

2022 Market Poultry Ordering  
Please complete a form for EACH child that plans to take a market poultry project to fair. You should order more birds than you plan to take to the fair to account for defects or deaths. If your bird dies at the fair it is your responsibility to bring in a replacement bird Sunday after noon of fair week.

Pullorum testing may be required by the state for poultry you already have on your property. Testing must be completed prior to receiving market birds on your property.

See OSU Ext website (market poultry checklist) or contact your club advisor for market poultry requirements and deadlines.

Requirements that must be met to participate in fair:
1. Enroll in 4H
2. Order Market Project per member
3. Attend or Test for Quality Assurance
4. Small Animal Committee Entry Form due in June
5. Fair Entry Form and W9 due in August
6. DUNF Form due after Fair Check-in

Ordering deadline is February 6, 2022, at 8:00pm.

Order Here

4-H Project Members or Club wanted!

Rhonda Lonneman is looking for a 4-H’er who might want to take on a project. She is working with a group that wants to add a bug hotel to the pollinator park in Kent. If someone is taking woodworking or natural resources project and is interested in help, reach out to Rhonda for more information! Below is a picture of what they are interested in building.

Please reach out to her for more information at:




Ohio 4-H Conference

Ohio 4-H Conference is back this year in Columbus on March 12th, 2022!


Session information and registration form can be found here!

Adult Members will be paid for by the 4-H Advisory Committee and youth members will be paid for by the Youth Benefit Committee. No payment is necessary for Portage County 4-H youth and volunteers for registration.

Please turn the registration form to the Portage County Extension Office no later than February 10th. You can email to Ashley at, mail, or drop off at the Extension Office (705 Oakwood Street, Suite 103, Ravenna, OH 44266).