Cloverbud Camp at 4-H Camp Whitewood

When: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 from 10:00am-2:00pm

Where: 4-H Camp Whitewood at 7983 South Wiswell Road, Windsor, OH 44099

Price: $15 per child

Registration is AVAILABLE NOW!

2022 Cloverbud Camp Registration Form

Come EXPLORE the great outdoors and spend the day at 4-H Camp Whitewood. Activities include swimming, hiking, and crafts. Grab your friends, swim gear and hiking shoes and join us for a day of FUN and ADVENTURE! Participants will enjoy lunch with campers. Bring own lunch if felt necessary due to food restrictions. The number of participants is limited so sign up now! Pre-registration is necessary to insure adequate supplies and supervision.

*Parents may stay with their children, but it is not required. If you choose to stay we ask you provide your own lunch
(refrigeration will NOT be available).

Market Goat Tagging and Housing Information

Tag in May 21st Portage County Randolph Fair by the Fair Office Gate

Tag in fees are $25 per goat and each club will be billed for tag in fees.  We will not be accepting fees at tag in.  Please come to tag in with your tag in form and housing form (if needed) completed. All market goats must have a scrapie tag at tag in.

2022 approved Market Goat Rules/ 2022 Tag In Form / 2022 Housing Form

Please contact Rhonda Procaccio ( by Saturday May 14th of how many goats your child will be tagging in and whether you will be tagging in a family extra. She will need to know which child is tagging in the family extra.


Important dates to remember are as follows:

Saturday May 21st – Tag In 9:00-10:00am

by the Fair Office Gate

Tuesday July 12th –  Skill A Thon 6pm-7pm

Hubbard Building

Monday August 22nd – Weigh In 3-4pm and 6-7pm

Sarchione Livestock Arena

Tuesday August 23rd – Show Day 1pm

Sarchione Livestock Arena

Thursday  August 25th – Fun Goat show 3pm

Sarchione Livestock Arena

2022 Portage County Health and Safety, Public Speaking & Demonstration Contest

Date: Friday, June 17th Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Community Room Suite 101 705 Oakwood St. Ravenna, OH 44266
Registration due by June 6 by 4:30 p.m. to Portage County OSU Extension


Please fill out this registration form: 2022 Speaking Contest Reg Fillable

Please return registration to Ohio State University Extension, 705 Oakwood Street, Suite 103 Ravenna, OH 44266 or

If you find you cannot attend after you’ve registered, please email as soon as possible so we can adjust our program accordingly.


PORTAGE COUNTY follows the same GENERAL RULES & GUIDELINES as the Ohio State Fair Communications Contest and Public Speaking Contest posted at

2022 Junior Fair King & Queen Application

Entries must be received or post marked by July 14, 2022. 

Send to: Randolph Fair King & Queen Contest P.O, Box 213 Randolph, Ohio 44265

Entry forms are available at the Fair Office during office hours (330)325-7476, on-line @, under the Jr. Fair Board tab or at the Portage County Extension Office Extension Office Open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 9am-4pm  (330)296-6432.

The 2022 Jr. Fair King and Queen will be awarded $500 scholarships each from the Portage County Randolph Fair Board of Directors.

Contestants and their applications may be scored on all or part of the following areas: Activities, Personality, Poise & Personal Appearance, Fair Participation, and General Fair Knowledge.


Jr. Fair Board K&Q Contest Application 2022


Camp with us this summer at 4-H Camp Whitewood!

Calling all youth ages 8-14 years old! Join us at Camp Whitewood this summer from June 26th-July 1st!
ALL youth are welcome, 4-H participation is not required!
Portage County 4-H members can apply to receive a $100 campership thanks to the generous donations from the Aeschliman Family, Portage County Youth Benefit Committee, and Tractor Supply Co. Paper Clover campaign!
Visit our website for the campership application:…/4-h…/portage-county-4-h-camp
Register to secure your spot at camp today:

2022 Portage County Market Livestock Sale Committee Scholarship – AVAILABLE NOW!

The 2022 Portage County Market Livestock Sale Committee Scholarship is AVAILABLE NOW on the Portage County Randolph Fair Website under ‘Junior Fair’.


1. Applicants MUST have participated in the Junior Fair Market Livestock Auction at the Portage County Randolph Fair.

2. The application and attachments MUST be received at the Portage County Randolph Fair Office by June 15th.

3. Applicants MUST have at least a 2.25 accumulative GPA or above to receive the Scholarship and be enrolled/accepted at an accredited college or technical school.

Here is the application: Market-Livestock-Sale-Exhibitor-Scholarship-appl-2022