2023 Achievement Record Workshop – Hosted by TLC!

Teen Leadership Council will be hosting a virtual Achievement Form Workshop for 4-H members statewide!

  • October 1, 2023 (6:00-7:30 p.m. on Zoom): An informational session will be held, providing a basic overview of the Achievement Form, giving introductory tips for completion, and sharing about potential opportunities available to members who complete and submit their forms.
    • Must register at https://go.osu.edu/AchForm2023 by September 29 to receive Zoom information for the workshop.
    • This session will be recorded for those who cannot attend in live-time.

In Portage County, we use the Acheivement Form for Trips and Opportunties selections and for the Portage County 4-H Endowment Scholarship. If interested in these additional opportunites, now would be a great time to learn about the form! (It is never too early to start tracking your 4-H experiences!!)

More information here: Achievement Record Flyer FINAL