2022 Market Poultry Ordering
Please complete a form for EACH child that plans to take a market poultry project to fair. You should order more birds than you plan to take to the fair to account for defects or deaths. If your bird dies at the fair it is your responsibility to bring in a replacement bird Sunday after noon of fair week.
Pullorum testing may be required by the state for poultry you already have on your property. Testing must be completed prior to receiving market birds on your property.
See OSU Ext website (market poultry checklist) or contact your club advisor for market poultry requirements and deadlines.
Requirements that must be met to participate in fair:
1. Enroll in 4H
2. Order Market Project per member
3. Attend or Test for Quality Assurance
4. Small Animal Committee Entry Form due in June
5. Fair Entry Form and W9 due in August
6. DUNF Form due after Fair Check-in
Ordering deadline is February 6, 2022, at 8:00pm.