4-H family with small hobby farm (dogs, cats, sheep/goats, chicken/ducks) in Hartville looking for help with their pets so they can travel. If you want to earn $50-$150/week (weekly), with flexible scheduling, and possibility of $700/week for vacation travel, contact Cheri Goggin at 330-464-7244.
Month: May 2021
Camp Whitewood – Camp Clean-up!
Camp Whitewood Clean Up Day is Saturday, May 22 from 8 a.m. to Noon.
Please sign-up by 9 a.m. Friday, May 21st morning so camp can assign projects to volunteers.
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBR0gFyMB6kp7lwxcykr7nUIH9gtfe0qLY-Ap4qBNWfVf77Q/viewform
Camp Whitewood!
Join us for a Week at 4-H Camp Whitewood!
- Camp Week is Sunday, June 27th – Friday, July 2nd
- The Price is $305
- Registration and information can be found here: https://www.4hcampwhitewood.com/
- We received a donation for camperships for this year, but we do have a very limited supply! Applications are here: https://portage.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/portage-county-4-h-camp
- At the last link above, you can also learn about our safety protocols to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Portage County Grade Day Information
Life skills Grade Day – July 17th at Fair
- Food and nutrition from 9-12pm
- All other Life skills is 1pm-4pm
- Awards at 6pm (Information will be sent out at a later date, depending on the current restrictions)
Sewing Grade Day and Style Revue – July 22nd at Fair
- Judging – 12-4pm
- Style Revue at 7pm (Information will be sent out at a later date, depending on the current restrictions)
Sign-up for grade day judging’s will be sent out in June!
State Fair – Livestock Information
The 2021 OSF Livestock Schedule is now posted at: https://ohiostatefair.com/agriculture-livestock/livestock-schedule/
Soon there will also be:
- Rules
- Entry info
- Skillathon info
We are also planning on having other state youth contests including:
- Poultry Judging (July 17th)
- Avian Bowl (July 17th)
- Livestock Judging (July 30th)
More info on rules and entry will be coming soon.
4-H Teen Leadership Opportunity
Where’s the Science in 4-H?
It’s everywhere! From animal science to woodworking projects, science, technology, engineering and math are part of 4-H projects, school enrichment programs and club activities.
Virtual Meeting: Consumer protections from scams
Join us with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office to talk about Consumer scams and how to protect yourself from them.
When: Thursday, May 6th from 10-11am.
Where: Virtual – follow below for login information
Cost: Free
This event is not sponsored by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. The Ohio Attorney General’s office does not specifically endorse or recommend OSU Extension Portage County or any products or services affiliated with OSU Extension Portage County.
This service was offered by OSU Extension Portage County and the recorded video presentation information is available below:
Video Recording
Grab and Go Club Meeting Kit
The Ohio 4-H Grab & Go Club Meeting Toolkit provides 4-H volunteers and teen leaders with seven (7) club meeting agendas to help plan for the 4-H year. Each agenda is two pages. The first page provides an overview of the topic, a sample agenda and resources to put ideas into action. The second page provides in-depth explanations and specific strategies.
Each agenda highlights how to adapt in-person 4-H activities to a virtual setting.
Clubs may discover creative solutions that remain part of their club tradition for years to come. Visit Ohio 4-H’s Stay Connected page for more resources.
Each agenda highlights strategies for including Cloverbuds in developmentally
appropriate, non-competitive club activities. A variety of Cloverbud-specific activity resources are also available on the Ohio 4-H webpage For Cloverbud Leaders.
Click on link below for more information: https://ohio4h.org/sites/ohio4h/files/imce/Grab%20%26%20Go%20Club%20Meeting%20Toolkit%20FINAL.pdf
Virtual Cloverbot Challenge – Mars
This year we’re going to space and the challenge happens on Mars! Cloverbuds will design a place to live on the Red Planet and create a model featuring their method of transportation. The 4-H Cloverbot Challenge will be virtual via Zoom on Monday, July 12 or Thursday, July 22 from 6:30-8 p.m. All teams must register by June 30 and new teams can order a kit to help them get started at a reduced rate thanks to support from the Ohio 4-H Foundation.