Considerations when applying for postdoctoral fellowships
Ohio State expanded benefits eligibility for postdoctoral scholars supported by individual or institutional fellowships. Consequently, a common position title (postdoctoral scholar) and job classification (unclassified term staff) is used for all postdoctoral positions regardless of their funding source.
These positions will use the composite benefit rate for A&P staff. Some funding agencies will only allow certain benefits to be charged to the fellowship funds. Therefore, another allowable source of funding needs to be secured to cover whatever costs the fellowship will not cover. The source of additional funding can be the college, department, or postdoctoral mentor’s funds. The principal investigator on the fellowship application is responsible for securing this funding. The postdoctoral scholar will not be appointed if all the benefits are not covered by a funding source. Currently the benefit rate for FY21 is 32.3%.
Please work closely with your departmental fellowship grants manager and/or HR representative to understand what costs will not be covered by the fellowship and how to configure the funding of the appointment.
The appointment process in place for individuals supported by fellowships is not in conflict with the requirements by funders such as NIH.
NRSA Benefit Calculator
We have created a tool to help units and individuals calculate the cost of benefits when preparing fellowship application budgets. Download the updated for FY22 Excel file here.
Questions regarding this new policy can be directed to
NIH Training Grants
Institutional training grants allow Ohio State to provide high-impact training research experiences. Training grants are externally funded programs that provide funding and training for undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and/or clinical residents. Please go here to see our current NIH training grants and resources for current and future training grant PIs.
Other Resources
Some funding opportunities require documentation and materials related to postdoc mentoring and career development. Below are some tools/resources for this purpose: