Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference March 11-12

Don’t miss this year’s Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference March 11-12, 2025, (Tuesday-Wednesday) at Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio. Connect with other great farmers and CCAs, experience new ideas, and increase your net income.

The theme is “Getting More from Less.” Cutting costs is key following a year where corn and soybean yields were reduced for many farmers. And crop prices are barely breakeven. We don’t know what the weather will be in 2025, but commodity prices are projected to stay low.

Fred Yoder, no-till farmer at Plain City and former president of the National Corn Growers Association, will be the opening keynote speaker and will appear two more times on the program. He’ll discuss economic benefits of continuous no-till. Also, he will share insights into the new USDA leadership and the Farm Bill.

Jeff Duling, Putnam County, will discuss how he works with Mother Nature to increase yields with no-till and cover crops. Part of his farmland is Paulding clay, considered the worst soil in Northwest Ohio. He has increased corn yields on it by 50 to 75 bushels per acre. He is sponsored by Pioneer.

Connor Sible, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, will share his research on various methods of “Managing Residue (from high-yielding corn): Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological.” He is sponsored by Calmer Corn Heads.

Etienne Herrick-Sutton, University of Missouri, will speak on the Regenerative Agriculture Outlook. Rodrigo Werle, University of Wisconsin, will present information on Managing Waterhemp in Soybeans. The full conference program is available at

With about 60 speakers total, the Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference gives plenty of opportunities to gain valuable information. The program features four faculty from Midwest universities and more than 20 OSU Extension Educators and campus faculty.

The opening General Session will start at 8:30 a.m. March 11. Master Farmer Awards and the Ohio CCA of the Year will be announced. Four concurrent sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m. The Tuesday sessions include: Soil Health, Cover Crops and No-till; Nutrient Management; Agronomic Crops Management; and Precision Ag & Technology.

The four sessions on Wednesday will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end about 4:30 p.m. Sessions include: Soil Health, Cover Crops and No-till; Agronomic Crops Management; Water Quality; and Regenerative Agriculture. Take advantage of the opportunity to discuss one-on-one with speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and other participants. Bring a friend and/or family members.

Registration will be a flat rate $100. Register online at or call Albert Suniga at 419-222-0846 x1005. (Registration after February 25, or on-site, will be $150.) If you are planning to stay overnight, take advantage of available but limited rooms at discounted rates at “The Inn “at the Ohio Northern University. To take advantage of this promotion, call 844-535-2805. (When reserving, mention CTTC)

Can we grow 300 bu. corn in Knox County?

Does plant population matter?

Maximizing corn yield requires a combination of sound management, good agricultural practices, and help from Mother Nature (environmental factors). Soil health and fertility; Hybrid selection; Proper planting; Weather; and Weed, Insect and Disease control all play a critical role.  Some of these are controllable others are not.

A recent article I read compared the characteristics and management practices of the top performers in the NCGA yield contest.   According to the article, these farmers not only have produced yields much higher than the current U.S. average, but they have also achieved a higher rate of yield gain over time.

Over the past 20 years, U.S. corn yields have increased at a rate of 1.9 bushels/acre/year while winning yields in the non-irrigated yield contest classes have increased by 4.6 bushels/acre/per year.  During the same period Knox County corn yields have increased by about 1.8 bushels/acre/year.

Why are we lagging behind?  Yes, I know that only the best ground is entered into these contests, and this ground may sometimes receive different levels of inputs.  But … with our resources in Knox County, shouldn’t we be able to do better, at least surpass the U.S. rate of 1.9 bushels/per acre/year?

Fields entered into this contest are planted with the same corn hybrids available to everyone and at least regionally,  subject to the same growing conditions.  This  suggests that management practices could be playing a key role in  yield potential.

The management practice I want to focus on today is plant population.

Does plant population matter??

A key factor in achieving maximum corn yield is establishing an adequate population density to allow a hybrid to maximize its yield potential. Due to improved genetics, many of today’s hybrids can be planted at higher populations.

Harvest populations in national corn yield contest entries over 300 bushels/acre from 2020 through 2024 are shown in the chart below.

The average contest harvest population over this period was 35,400 plants/acre.  The U.S. average during the same time period was 29,200 plants/acre and the Ohio average during this period was 30,080 plants/per acre.

Yes, seed costs are increasing.  While I’m not trying to sell seed, does this data suggest that we  should we be adjusting our corn population rates … or at least considering it?

The bottom line is – You know your fields’ yield potential!  As a manager are you giving each field the inputs and management it needs to achieve its maximum potential?

Developing your 2025 corn budget

An enterprise budget is a listing of all income and expenses associated with a specific enterprise. What you produce determines the profitability of your business. Enterprises are the basic building blocks for a farm plan. By analyzing revenues and expenses associated with individual enterprises you can determine which enterprises might be expanded and those that should be cut back or eliminated.

This post will focus on developing your 2025 Corn Budget.  The following are key components for this budget.

1. Revenue Assumptions

  • Corn yield (bushels per acre): Estimated based on your field’s productivity or average local yields.
  • Price per bushel: You can base this on current market trends or contract pricing.
  • Revenue calculation: Yield per acre x Price per bushel.

2. Variable Costs

These are costs that vary depending on the acreage and input levels.

  • Seed costs: The cost of corn seed per acre, including any seed treatment.
  • Fertilizer: Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK) and other micronutrient fertilizers required for soil health.
  • Herbicides and pesticides: Costs for controlling weeds, insects, and diseases.
  • Fuel: Fuel for planting, cultivating, irrigating, spraying, and harvesting.
  • Labor: Wages for employees working in the field, including seasonal workers.
  • Crop insurance: Premiums for insurance covering potential yield losses or damage from weather events.
  • Other inputs: Other specific inputs required to produce your crop.

3. Fixed Costs

These are costs that do not fluctuate with the level of production.

  • Equipment depreciation: The annual depreciation of tractors, planters, sprayers, harvesters, etc.
  • Land rent/lease: If you do not own the land, this would be a fixed cost.
  • Interest on land and equipment loans: If applicable, include the interest you pay on any loans.
  • Building and storage maintenance: Costs for maintaining barns, grain bins, or other structures.
  • Property taxes: Taxes associated with your land and equipment.

4. Overhead Costs

These include administrative and management costs that can be allocated to each acre.

  • Management and administration: Salaries or wages for management or administrative roles not included in variable costs.
  • Insurance (property, liability): Farm insurance policies.
  • Utilities: Electricity, water, gas, propane, and other utilities for farm operation.

5. Other Costs

  • Transporting: Cost of hauling harvested corn to your bins or elevators.
  • Storage costs: If you’re storing the corn for later sale, include costs for drying and storage.

6. Profit Margin

After calculating your revenue and all associated costs, determine the profit margin per acre. This is the difference between your total revenue and total costs.

The following link will take you to the 2025 OSU Corn Enterprise Budget developed by OSU Extension’s Barry Ward.  This can serve as a guide to help you consider all costs in your operation.

2025 Corn College & Soybean School

Join us on February 27th for the 5th annual virtual Corn College and Soybean School presented by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomic Crops Team. The program will run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and feature OSU Extension field and state specialists with updates and topics relevant for the 2025 growing season. CCA CEU credits will be available upon viewing the live presentations. Talks will also be recorded for later viewing on the Ohio State Agronomy YouTube channel,

Please register by February 26th at noon. To register, visit or scan the QR code below. There is a $10 registration fee for this event, which goes directly to support the activities and efforts of the OSU Agronomic Crops Team.

2025 Speaker and Topic Lineup

  • Battle for the Belt – Osler Ortez, Laura Lindsey & Taylor Dill
  • Corn Disease Management – Stephanie Karhoff
  • Weather Outlook – Aaron Wilson
  • Nutrient Management in Low Grain Prices – Glen Arnold
  • Water Management Considerations – Vinayak Shedekar
  • Agronomic Weed Management – Alyssa Essman
  • Soybean Disease Management – Horacio Lopez-Nicora


Battle for the Belt – Chilling Injury

Dr. Alex Lindsey, Associate Professor of Crop Ecophysiology & Agronomy, walks us through his current research project on how cold temperatures and water can affect early planted soybeans within the first 24 hours of planting.

How does cold temperature and water affect germination and emergence?

We have been studying how cold temperatures and water affect soybeans under ultra-early planting conditions using some lab experiments. We planted soybeans into field soil (starting at 20% or 60% available water content) at 1” (shallow) or 1.5” (normal) planting depths, and exposed them to different combinations of cold temperatures and water treatments during the first 24 hours after planting (Table 1). After the first 24 hours, we raised the temperature in the chamber to 70°F and measured emergence.

Table 1. Temperature and water treatments evaluated during the first 24 hrs after planting.

Preliminary results suggest that no water application (even if temperature dropped to 35°F) resulted in the greatest emergence (75%) after 11 days. Water application immediately after planting, regardless of whether it was 50°F or 35°F, cut the emergence totals in half. Application of ice after planting was less damaging to emergence but still reduced germination compared to where water wasn’t applied. This suggests that avoiding precipitation within the first 24 hours of planting is key to ensuring good emergence.

Does planting depth matter? Continue reading Battle for the Belt – Chilling Injury

Ohio Crop Weather

Source: USDA

Sustained Wet Conditions

Heavy rains last week saturated fields and prevented any large-scale planting activities, according to Ben Torrance, State Statistician, USDA NASS, Ohio Field Office. Topsoil moisture conditions were rated 31 percent adequate and 69 percent surplus. Statewide, the average temperature for the week ending on April 14 was 56.8 degrees, 9.4 degrees above normal. Weather stations recorded an average of 1.86 inches of precipitation, 0.98 inches above average. There were 0.7 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending April 14.
Farmers reported that with the excess rain, the only field work that could be done was applying herbicide and fertilizing wheat. Oats were 11 percent planted. Winter wheat was 51 percent jointed and winter wheat condition was 70 percent good to excellent. Warmer than normal conditions continued to push fruit crop development.

Ohio Crop Weather – April 1, 2024

Source: USDA

This year’s weather has been temperamental, with temperatures fluctuating wildly between above average to below average over the past few months, according to Ben Torrance, State Statistician, USDA NASS, Ohio Field Office. Topsoil moisture conditions were rated 32 percent adequate and 68 percent surplus. Statewide, the average temperature for the week ending on April 7 was 46.3 degrees, 0.3 degrees above normal. Weather stations recorded an average of 2.67 inches of precipitation, 1.8 inches above average. There were 0.3 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending April 7. Precipitation last week left fields saturated and brought fieldwork to a stop. Drier weather settled in towards the end of the week, but most fields remained too wet to hold heavy equipment. Oats were 7 percent planted. Winter wheat was 16 percent jointed and winter wheat condition was 67 percent good to excellent. Fruit trees began blossoming in the northern counties after last week’s light frost.

Battle for the Belt:

Season 2 Episode 2- Who Won 2023- Corn or Soybean?

Project Overview

Battle for the Belt aims to answer four questions:

  • Which crop should we plant first- corn or soybean?
  • Which crop has the smallest yield penalty for delayed planting?
  • Can we adjust management practices to mitigate losses due to late planting?
  • How are insects, diseases, weeds, and other factors affected by planting date?


  • Planting window is shrinking
    • Between April 17 and May 15 we have an average of 15 suitable field workdays.
  • Corn yield decrease of 1.75 bushel per day after April 30th.
  • Soybean yield decrease of .5 bushel per day after April 3oth.

Battle for the Belt – Season 2, Episode 1: Kick-Off

Year 2 of Battle for the Belt kicked-off with corn and soybean planting on March 25 at the Western Agricultural Research Station in Clark County:

Planting conditions were good with adequate soil moisture; however, soil temperature was in the low 40s at a two-inch depth. Planting will continue at the Northwest Agricultural Research Station in Wood County and Wooster Campus in Wayne County when soil moisture conditions allow.

The Battle for the Belt project seeks to answer several questions related to corn and soybean planting date management in Ohio:

  • Which crop has the smallest yield penalty for delayed planting?
  • Can we adjust management practices to mitigate losses due to late planting?
  • How are insects, diseases, weeds, and other factors affected by planting date?

For both soybean and corn, earlier planting is promoted to maximize yield. However, Ohio has a trend towards a lower number of suitable fieldwork days during planting season. With non-favorable weather, the planting date window is often short and disconnected. Farmers often ‘debate’ which crop should be planted first – corn or soybean. The ‘Battle for the Belt’ project is a field research and extension effort to help address the question, what crop should be planted first – corn or soybean?

This is the second year for the project. Project updates from last year are available on the OSU Agronomy YouTube channel ( The full playlist can be found here: It includes 33 videos with over six hours of content, addressing a wide range of aspects of this project.

To stay up-to-date with updates, make sure to subscribe to the CORN newsletter (, subscribe to our YouTube channel (, or follow us on Twitter (@stepupsoy, @OrtezCornCrops).

OSU Deoxynivalenol, DON, Resistance Screening Program-2024

This past year, with support from Ohio Corn and Wheat through the Corn Check Off, we established a pilot corn deoxynivalenol (DON) hybrid susceptibility screening trial. The objective of this project was to identify hybrids with partial genetic resistance to DON. Use these results with caution because this is our first year of data. This trial was conducted at three locations across the state that represent different production regions:  Apple Creek, Bucyrus, and South Charleston. While we had three different environments, the fact that the hybrids vary in maturity means that there is a chance that the weather was not conducive to ear infection and DON production by the fungus Fusarium graminearum during each individual hybrid pollination window. All locations had natural infection across all maturity groups, but to help increase the change of Gibberella ear rot (GER) development, and consequently, DON contamination of grain, we also inoculated plots at Bucyrus and Apple Creek. Since average DON contamination was not significantly different between inoculated and naturally infected plots at these two locations, the results are summarized, and hybrids are compared, by location. With a relative maturity spread of 18 RM, the pollination window at all 3 sites was 3 weeks from the time the first silks emerged until only brown silks were found.

We have been researching several management strategies to reduce grain contamination with this mycotoxin, but less emphasis has been placed on genetic resistance. Results from our previous work with a very small number of hybrids showed that partially resistant hybrids with naturally and consistently lower DON levels are easier to keep low than those that were highly susceptible. A total of 80 hybrids from 8 seed companies were included as part of this screening. While this is only a small subset of the hybrids that are planted in Ohio, the results below not only show the importance of hybrid selection but also can be used to help you begin to select hybrids with natural partial resistance to DON, or at the very minimum, avoid highly susceptible hybrids. With one year of data, we cannot guarantee that the hybrids with low DON this year will always have low DON across all environments. The only thing we can guarantee is that the high-DON hybrids are susceptible. This is an excellent place to start.

Read the complete post here