Burgeoning Beetles

Originally posted in the Buckeye Yard and Garden onLine, June 22,2018

By: Joe Boggs

I’m seeing large numbers of Japanese Beetles (Popillia japonica) in southwest Ohio.  Compared to previous seasons, the beetles appear to be more evenly distributed; they are not hard to find.  I’m hearing similar reports from the central part of the state.

Continue reading Burgeoning Beetles

Corn and Feeder Cattle Prices

Originally posted in the BEEF Newsletter, June 27,2018

– Josh Maples, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University

Corn prices have been on a sharp downtrend since late May due primarily to a combination of trade uncertainty and a strong start to the growing season. Both nearby and new crop corn futures prices have tumbled by over 40 cents or approximately ten percent. The December 2018 corn futures contract price hit $4.26 on May 23rd – its highest level since July 2017. Just 18 trading days later, it closed Monday at a contract low of $3.77.

Continue reading Corn and Feeder Cattle Prices

Phytophthora Blight First 2018 Report in Ohio – Huron County

Originally posted in VegNet Newsletter, June 17,2018

Phytophthora blight was diagnosed last week in pepper plants from Huron County, Ohio.  This is several weeks earlier than we normally see Phytophthora blight in northern Ohio, but heavy rains and periods of high temperatures likely contributed to an early appearance of the disease.  Growers should scout both peppers and cucurbits for typical symptoms of Phytophthora blight  Phytophthora is a water mold that thrives under conditions of high moisture and high temperature. It produces motile spores (zoospores) that are attracted to plants, then form a structure that allows them to infect, and aggressively attack any type of plant tissue. Zoospores can be splashed onto leaves, stems and fruits during rain events and overhead irrigation. Phytophthora blight is often seen first in low spots or other poorly drained areas of production fields, but the disease also occurs on well-drained, even sandy soils if the environmental conditions are right.  An integrated, preventative program to manage Phytophthora blight is more effective than in-season rescue treatments with fungicides.  During the growing season, fungicide application is the main option for management of Phytophthora blight (see below). In small plantings prompt removal of diseased plants is also recommended.

Continue reading Phytophthora Blight First 2018 Report in Ohio – Huron County

Current Vegetable Insect Concerns

Originally posted in the VegNet Newsletter, June 23,2018

As the earliest sweet corn plantings are in or approaching the silking stage, be aware that the corn earworm is present at some locations, as detected by pheromone traps that attract the adult moth. Although the number of moths beings caught is low, these small populations can concentrate on the few patches of early sweet corn, and can cause significant damage. Once the large acreage of field corn begins to silk, then the pest population will be spread out over a much larger area and the pest pressure on sweet corn is usually reduced. Trap counts can be found at this website: http://u.osu.edu/pestmanagement/

Continue reading Current Vegetable Insect Concerns

Hay Moisture Levels

Originally posted in the BEEF Cattle Newsletter, June 13, 2018– Chris Penrose, OSU ANR Extension Educator, Morgan County and Dan Lima, OSU ANR Extension Educator, Belmont County


With the limited opportunities and short windows many have had to make hay so far this year, some hay may have been made at higher moisture levels than we would like. Moisture levels have a direct effect on hay quality. What we have found to be a consistent number in the literature is 20% moisture maximum. To be more specific:

    1. Small squares to be 20% or less,
    2. Large round, 18% or less and
    3. Large squares, 16%

Continue reading Hay Moisture Levels

Multiflora Rose Problems in Pastures? Control it Now!

Originally posted in the BEEF Cattle Newsletter, June 13, 2018– Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State Extension Associate, Weed Science

As spring progresses, multiflora rose aggressively grows and eventually blooms in late May/early June. Several tactics can be used to control this problem weed and these methods will be briefly discussed.

It’s the right time to be scouting and managing multiflora rose in your pasture. Photo credit: Penn State Extension

Continue reading Multiflora Rose Problems in Pastures? Control it Now!

Poor Forage Establishment

Mike Rankin, Hay and Forage Grower managing editor (Previously published in Hay & Forage Grower: June 5, 2018)

Dealing with crappy new seedings.

Every farmer has done “it.”

That “it” is to walk a new forage seeding field that just never developed. There is nothing more disheartening than a newly seeded hayfield or pasture that for one or a variety of reasons was done before “it” ever really started.

(Image Source: Mike Rankin, Hay and Forage Grower)

During my extension agent days, I walked many of these fields. Sometimes the failure could be blamed on the weather, but there were cases when the reasons for the lack of establishment just couldn’t be fully explained.

Continue reading Poor Forage Establishment

Mobile Hops Dryer

Originally posted in the OSU Extension Spring 2018 Hops Bulletin

Currently hop farmers need to endure the expense of building a hop drying facility or barn to dry their hops to the correct moisture percentage before they can be pelletized. A big highlight of the Ohio Hops Conference included a demonstration of a mobile hop drying system that was designed and built by Dave Volkman owner of Ohio Valley Hops in Maineville, Ohio. Continue reading Mobile Hops Dryer