Corn growth varies greatly throughout the county, but, more fields are beginning to tassel. As corn begins to tassel, nutrient (K > N > P) and water (0.30 inch per day) demands for the crop are close to maximum. Heat and drought will affect potential number of kernels. Scout for insects (e.g., corn leaf aphid, western bean cutworm, corn earworm, fall armyworm) and diseases (e.g., gray leaf spot, southern rust, northern leaf
blight). Total leaf defoliation severely affects final yields.
VT (Tasseling) – Stage VT occurs two to three days before silking, when the last branch of the tassel is completely visible but silks have not emerged yet from the ear shoot. The plant has reached full height and the pollen shed begins. The time between VT and R1 can vary with different hybrids and due to environmental conditions.
Pollen shed (pollen drop) normally occurs during the late morning or early evening. Hail damage is more serious at this time than for any other growth period. All leaves have emerged and the complete loss of a pollen source would result in no grain formation.
We are nearing a point in the growing season where it is time to scout your corn fields and make a decision regarding fungicide applications. Click here to view the 2023 corn fungicide ratings.
Postemergence herbicide applications – Don’t forget the preharvest intervals (PHI) for grazing or harvest. Read more here.
Soybean Postemergence Weed Control – Grasses
Soybean Postemergence Weed Control – Broadleaves
Soybean Growth & Development – R2: Full Bloom
- Open flower at one of two uppermost main-stem nodes
- About 50% of the total mature node number has been established.
- Very rapid nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and dry-matter accumulation is occurring and will continue through R6.
- Defoliation of the plant of 50% at this stage will reduce yield by 6%.
- Approximately 60 days away from beginning of physiological maturity (R7).
County Rainfall Update

Mount Vernon, OH