Greene County Master Gardeners to Host 2023 State Conference – Seeks Sponsors

Dear Potential Sponsor:

October 2023, the OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardener Volunteers will host the 2023 State-wide Ohio Master Gardener Volunteer Conference. This will be on Thursday, October 12th through Saturday, October 14th at the Holiday Inn in Fairborn, Ohio. The State-wide Conference is a gathering of the more than 300 Certified Master Gardener Volunteers of the over 3,300 in the state of Ohio. We also anticipate that Master Gardener Volunteers as well as agricultural and horticultural enthusiasts from surrounding states will attend this two-and-a-half-day conference. The conference theme is “Greene: More Than a Color” and nationally recognized keynote speakers will highlight this outstanding continuing education event for Master Gardener Volunteers. The first full day of the conference (Friday) will include a series of bus and bike tours of parks, gardens, urban and rural farms, and nature areas throughout Greene County along with an opening dinner and keynote speaker. On Saturday, a quality group of presenters from The Ohio State University, green industry professionals, and area experts will present workshops on a variety of horticultural topics.

The Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) program is a volunteer group focused on horticultural education as part of the Ohio State University Extension service. The MGVs receive intensive training in horticulture and are then certified and volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through local OSU Extension County offices. Working with OSU Extension personnel, MGVs provide services such as: educational gardening activities for children, adults, senior citizens, and disabled persons; community beautification projects; developing and mentoring community or demonstration gardens; and answering gardening questions from the public on our horticulture helpline. In 2019, Ohio MGV‘s donated over 165,945 hours of volunteer service to our communities, completed more than 49,227 hours of continuing education; and in Greene County alone grew and donated more than 16,000lbs. on a three year average of fresh vegetables to food insecure families throughout the county.

We are offering you the opportunity to join us and become an Exhibitor and Sponsor for our conference. We are sure that MGV’s from throughout Ohio and the surrounding states will benefit from your display and support of this educational program. Enclosed is information about exhibiting at the conference, the sponsorship support levels and an advertising schedule for our conference program book. We encourage you to become a partner and to tell the attendees about your support for MGVs and the green industry in Greene County. This is a tax-deductible donation for you or your business. Please fill out the Greene MGV Sponsor Levels 2023 form and return via email to Please be aware that we have a limited number of exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities available; so, we are giving you the preferred opportunity to be a partner and for you to promote your organization and to reach an audience which has contact with thousands of gardeners throughout Ohio.

The group is beyond excited by the opportunity to host the 2023 State Conference and look forward to the opportunity to apply for funding opportunities. Please, feel free to contact the Extension office at 937-372-9971 or by email at

Master Gardener Volunteer Spring Plant Sale

Master Gardener Volunteer Spring Plant Sale

OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardener Volunteers will hold their annual Spring Plant Sale at the OSU Greene County Extension Office. The sale will feature perennials, vegetable plants, succulents, house plants, herbs and more.

When: Saturday May 8, 2021

Time: 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Where: OSU Extension Office  100 Fairground Rd, Xenia

Social distancing and masks required.

Conifers for Today’s Gardens

Conifers that change color… Conifers that require no pruning… Conifers for shady areas?  Join us to look at a brief description and cultural requirements for conifers.  Plus, a look at some of the many new varieties and where to find them..

Bob Iiames, Jr. is a member of the American Conifer Society, Ohio Valley North American Rock Garden Society, and is past president of the Miami Valley Hosta Society. Bob has provided continuing education to many Ohio and Indiana, Master Gardener Volunteers, as well as Miami Valley Green Industry Professionals.  He has spoken to numerous garden clubs, plant societies, the Great Lakes Region Hardy Plant Society, the Federation of Garden Clubs, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, local garden centers, and at Hosta College.

This program will be presented via Zoom on Thursday, February 18. 2021 at 6:30 PM

Cost: $7.00

Register at:


For a schedule of upcoming programs including Brie Arthur (Foodscaping) and Amy Steward (The Drunken Botanist) go to under Master Gardener, upcoming events and programs or click here:

Now Accepting: Master Gardener Volunteer Training Applications

We are now accepting applications for our Master Gardener Volunteer Training program starting in 2019.  Join our training program to become part of a great group of volunteers that spread seeds of love for horticulture to Greene County residents.  Please check out this site for more information and the Volunteer Form, due by October 31, 2018: 

Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity!

Any questions?  Email Kim at or call 937-372-9971 ext. 128