Summertime is for backyards
By Jon Dobney, Director, Greene County Parks & Trails
We need your help! But, before I tell you what we need, I’d like to share a little bit about me.
I have thoughts all the time. I also tell people – anyone who will listen – all about my thoughts. My lovely wife of 40 years might tell you it’s one of my endearing qualities. For most everyone else, I’m not sure they would describe it as endearing. “Oh, it’s a quality alright…” they might say.
I really can’t help myself – especially when it comes to our Parks & Trails. As some of you may know, I spent the past 37 years with our State Parks and the past 2 years as one of our GCP&T commissioners. Since beginning my new job as director at GCP&T, we’ve been busy improving your parks and trails – getting ready for you and your family to enjoy your favorite activities, hobbies, and adventures.
But, back to me and my thoughts. Here’s the problem with my thoughts. I agree with them all the time! And here is where we need your help. Greene County Parks & Trails belongs to you. To our way of thinking, the thousands of acres of parks, the miles and miles of trails – all of it – is yours. Think of us as your own backyard.
So, never mind my thoughts. What are yours? What do you like best? Since you have this enormous backyard, what would you like us to do to make it the best backyard ever?
We want to know. We’ve asked a research firm to find out what you think. Please take 15 minutes to tell us by clicking on this link.
I promise you this – we’ll respond and do our utmost to make sure you have the best backyard in the country.
In the meantime, with summer in full swing, I look forward to seeing you outdoors and thank you in advance for helping us take care of your Parks & Trails.