Grain Bin Safety Week

Grain Bin Safety Week starts Sunday, running February 21-27.  OSU Ag Safety & Health will be participating in the watch party Ohio Farm Bureau Federation will be hosting of a live grain bin rescue demo on Wednesday at 11:30 am. Dr. Dee Jepsen and Lisa Pfeifer will be on hand during the broadcast to answer ag safety questions for participants.

Grain Bin Safety Week, initiated by Nationwide in 2014, is an annual campaign recurring the third full week of February to promote grain bin safety on farms and commercial grain-handling facilities. A collaborative effort with industry leaders and agricultural professionals, Grain Bin Safety Week was created to raise awareness about grain bin dangers, provide education and share best safety practices.

Grain Bin Safety Program – 8/29

OSU Extension Madison County to host grain bin safety program coming up on Wednesday, August 29th at the Madison County Fairgrounds. The program is from 11a-1:00pm,  with lunch served at noon. The program includes the Grain Community Agricultural Rescue Trailer (CART), a grain rescue simulator which is used to train first responders, grain industry employees, and farm families about the hazards of growing grain.
The program is free to attend and is open to the public – please pre-register by emailing or calling Mary Griffith at or 740-852-0975.