Extending the Growing Season Workshop – 9/16


Join us to learn more about growing outside the traditional growing season for local foods and vegetables. Topics will focus on what to do before frost.

-Container Gardens & Fall Crop
-Row Covers and Low Tunnels
-Landscape Plants for Winter and Preparing for Spring
-Cover Crops –Why use them?

This workshop will be for agricultural producers and backyard enthusiasts of all stages from beginner to experienced. This is part of a series of programs and more information is available at greene.osu.edu.

OSU Extension Greene County,
100 Fairground Road,
Xenia, Ohio 45385

937-372-9971 or
$5 per person
Monday, September 16 • 5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.

Jamie Arthur, Little Miami Farms
James Hoffer, OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardener Volunteer
Trevor Corboy, OSU Extension, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator
REGISTRATION: Includes growing season program education and materials. Advanced registration is requested by September 15 by calling 937-372-9971 or emailing corboy.3@osu.edu.


Extending the Growing Season Workshop – 3/22

It’s not too late to register for the Extending the Growing Season Workshop on Friday, March 22. See the flyer below.

Join us to learn more about growing outside the traditional growing season for local foods and vegetables. This program will be an introduction to alternative methods such as high and low tunnels, row covers, container gardens, raised beds, and more. This workshop will be for agricultural producers and backyard enthusiasts of all stages from beginner to experienced. Learn more about the economics and what can you grow with each method. This is part of a series of programs and more information is available at greene.osu.edu.

View the flyer. Register at go.osu.edu/egsgreene.