4-H Online: Youth and Volunteer Enrollment

The Greene County Extension Office is excited to announce that we are accepting 4-H enrollments to the 4-H Online enrollment system. Please log on to oh.4honline.com to enroll in 4-H. All families will need to review their members’ information and re-enroll for 2019 via 4-HOnline.  Please make sure you delete any projects that you from last year that you are not taking this year.

For steps to re-enroll, please click here or visit here for helpful videos.

If your family is looking to enroll in 4-H for the very first time, please read below:

New Members/Families:

  1. Choose a club which meets in your area, a club your child’s friends are in, or contact the Extension Office for more information.  Contact the club advisor. Youth may join 4-H at any time; however, to participate in the Greene County Fair, they must be enrolled by March 1.
  2. Complete an online enrollment form at oh.4honline.com and select “I need to setup a profile.” OR contact the Extension Office for additional enrollment information.


  1.  Please complete your enrollment and update any information as needed.
  2. Complete the online training or attend an in-person training.  When training is completed, we will approve you.  Trainings must be completed by February 28 for the 2019 4-H year.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Feel free to stop by during business hours to complete this if that is easier for you.


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