REGISTRATION is open for the 2019 Ohio Hops Conference and Trade Show…
Come be a part of this year’s Ohio Hop Conference at its new location in central Ohio!
On January 9th and 10th 2019 we will hold the Ohio Hop Conference in Columbus, Ohio. This will be held in conjunction with the Ohio Craft Brewers Association (OCBA) at the Hyatt Regency Columbus.
Come learn about:
Sensory Analysis
Maximizing Yield
Hop Growing Annual Calendar
Insect Management
Hop Harvest Timing
Disease Management
Hop Drying
Hop Quality Group
OHGG Hop Quality Standards
Pesticide Round Table
Brewers Panel
Soil/Water/Fertilizer Management
Selling Your Hops
Hop Growers Panel
New this year is a joint happy hour with the OCBA. A perfect opportunity to discuss hops, beer, and mingle with brewers and growers!
See the flyer for more details.
Space is very limited.
Deadline to register is December 18th, 2018 to take advantage of discounted rates.
To register go to the ATTENDEE section at