Corn Newsletter Online – June 26

June 26 – July 2, 2018

Corn Newsletter Online



Reminders about dicamba

Mark Loux

This is the time of year when we received our first call about dicamba problems in soybeans in 2017.? We can probably expect any problems to become evident soon, based on the timing of postemergence applications and timeline for development of symptoms. ?Off-target issues have already developed in states farther west and south, and we would expect at least some to occur here, unless we?re really lucky. The symptoms of dicamba injury show in new soybean growth within approximately 7 to 21…


Hot streak ahead!

Jim Noel

After a really wet period last week and even some flooding in northwest Ohio, we will be seeing a switch toward hotter weather and a drier window from Thursday into the weekend.


We have had a few hot bursts this summer but nothing like the stretch ahead. So far May and June have been warmer and wetter than normal in most places. It looks like after one more round of showers and a few storms the middle of this week it will turn hot for the end of June. This heat will last into the first half of…


We have found some whiskers! (Spores of Cercospora sojina) Anne Dorrance, Linda Weber Last week, samples of frogeye leaf spot of soybean were brought into the lab.? On the underside of the characteristic lesion were the conidia.? This came from an area where the incidence of frogeye was notable at the end of the season.? For the 2018 season a susceptible variety was planted back into that same field.? Environmental conditions have been favorable for this disease to begin in some areas of the state. ?However, most of the varieties in the state have very good levels of…


Impact of ponding and saturated soils on corn Peter Thomison, Alexander Lindsey Persistent rains during the past two weeks have resulted in ponding and saturated soils in many Ohio corn fields and led to questions concerning what impact these conditions will have on corn performance.


The extent to which ponding injures corn is determined by several factors including: (1) plant stage of development when ponding occurs, (2) duration of ponding and (3) air/soil temperatures. Corn is affected most by flooding at the early stages of growth (see…


Application of Manure to Double Crop Soybeans Glen Arnold, CCA Wheat fields will be harvested in Ohio soon and some farmers will plant double-crop soybeans. In recent years there has been more interest from livestock producers in applying manure to newly planted soybeans to provide moisture to help get the crop to emerge.


Both swine and dairy manure can be used to add moisture to newly planted soybeans. It?s important that the soybeans were properly covered with soil when planted to keep a barrier between the salt and nitrogen in the manure and the…




Lady Landowners Leaving  Legacy (Urbana)



Lady Landowners Leaving  Legacy (Urbana)



Lady Landowners Leaving  Legacy (Urbana)



Lady Landowners Leaving  Legacy (Urbana)



Lady Landowners Leaving  Legacy (Urbana)



Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette County Agronomy Field Day



Lady Landowners Leaving  Legacy (Urbana)



Precision Ag Day — Data Management (Woodstock)



Farm Science Review




Jim Noel (National Weather Service)

Glen Arnold, CCA (Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management ) Ted Wiseman (Perry County) Rory Lewandowski, CCA (Wayne County) Les Ober, CCA (Geauga County) Sam Custer (Darke County) Dean Kreager (Licking County) Garth Ruff (Henry County) Sarah Noggle (Paulding County) Jeff Stachler (Auglaize County) Mark Badertscher (Hardin County) Chris Zoller (Tuscarawas County) Amanda Bennett (Miami County) Dennis Riethman (Mercer County) Wayne  Dellinger (Union County) David Dugan (Adams County) Kelley  Tilmon (State Specialist, Field Crop Entomology) Andy Michel (State Specialist, Entomology) Pierce Paul (State Specialist, Corn and Wheat Diseases) Anne Dorrance (State Specialist, Soybean Diseases) Mark Loux (State Specialist, Weed Science) James Morris (Brown County)

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